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Category: Farm Animals


a cow in field

Comparative effectiveness of individualised homeopathy and antibiotics in the treatment of bovine clinical mastitis: randomised controlled trial

D. Keller and A. Sundrum | Veterinary Record | April 2018
Mastitis is one of the main reasons for antimicrobial use in dairy production. In the context of concern over anti-microbial resistance, alternative treatments for mastitis, including homeopathy, are becoming increasingly popular, particularly on organic farms…

black and white holstein friesian cow grazing in grassland.

Risk of iatrogenic damage to the sciatic nerve in dairy cattle

R. M. Kirkwood, J.G. Remnant, R.M. Payne, A.M. Murphy and W. Wapenaar | Veterinary Record | November 2017
Damage to the sciatic nerve in cattle can lead to pain, lameness, and paralysis and therefore is a cause of concern for both welfare and productivity. Clinical texts indicate that sciatic nerve damage can be caused by intramuscular injections into the gluteal region with recommendations that gluteal or caudal thigh regions are not used for intramuscular injection in thin or young animals…

cows on farm

Clinician attitudes to pain and use of analgesia in cattle: where are we 10 years on?

J.G. Remnant, A. Tremlett, J.N. Huxley and C.D. Hudson | Veterinary Record | October 2017
Painful conditions in cattle can arise as a result of disease or injury or due to veterinary or husbandry procedures. Prevention and avoidance of pain is important but, accepting that some level of disease is unavoidable and certain husbandry procedures are necessary, reducing pain is an important aspect of farm animal welfare…


Field study on the safety and efficacy of intradermal versus intramuscular vaccination against Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae

L. Beffort, C. Weiss, K. Fiebig, R. Jolie, M. Ritzmann, M. Eddicks | Veterinary Record | September 2017
Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae is one of the major pathogens responsible for porcine respiratory diseases which lead to significant economic losses in the pig industry. These losses are mainly due to increased treatment costs and a reduced average daily weight gain (ADWG) caused by an increase in pneumonic lung lesions…

Friesian calf

Randomised positive control trial of NSAID and antimicrobial treatment for calf fever caused by pneumonia

S.A. Mahendran, R. Booth, M. Burge and N.J. Bell | Veterinary Record | July 2017
The development of healthy calves through the pre-weaning period is important both for ensuring the animals’ longevity and keeping rearing costs at an economically viable level…

Herd of piglets on animal farm

Antimicrobial drug use in food-producing animals and associated human health risks: what, and how strong, is the evidence?

K. Hoelzer, N. Wong, J. Thomas, K. Talkington, E. Jungman and A. Coukell | BMC Veterinary Research | July 2017
Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) presents a global public health threat which leads to millions of resistant infections and thousands of deaths each year…