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Category: In the Spotlight


a cow in field

Influenza H5N1 in mammals

Published 30 April 2024 | Updated 15 May 2024 |
Recent cases of Highly Pathogenic Influenza H5N1, in dairy cattle in the United States, have raised concerns about whether this strain of influenza, which is currently circulating widely in birds, is becoming adapted to mammalian species, and a potential threat to human health…

Blood tube with stem cell

Stem cells – what is the evidence?

Published 27 February 2024 | updated 15 May 2024 |
The aim of this Spotlight feature is to provide links to appropriate evidence and resources to enable you to understand and critically evaluate the claims being made about current and future uses of stem cells in veterinary medicine…

Old cat looking to something

Update on Feline Infectious Peritonitis

Published 27 September 2023 | updated 15 March 2024 |
With reports of a significant outbreak of Feline Infectious Peritonitis in Cyprus, and advances in the options for diagnosis and treatment, we thought this would be a good time to provide links to some of the latest guidance and research…

Vets examining a dog in clinic wearing gloves and masks looking at lab results

Brucella canis

Published 5 July 2023 | Updated 15 May 2024
Recent reports regarding the increase in detection of Brucella canis in dogs imported into the UK have highlighted the public health concerns regarding this disease and created a need for evidence to enable veterinary practices to provide advice to their clients, protect animal welfare and reduce the risk to their staff…

Vet talking to cattle farmer

Responsible use of antiparasitic medications in veterinary practice

Published 16 June 2023 | Updated 29 April 2024
Antimicrobial resistance is considered to be a global public health problem. While we are used to considering responsible use of antibiotics to minimise the development of antimicrobial resistance and protect the efficacy of these products, we may be less used to thinking about responsible use in respect of anthelmintics (medications which treat helminth worm infections) and other parasiticides…

cannabidiol leaves and chemical formula

The use of cannabidiol (CBD) in animals

Published 21 April 2023 | Updated 15 May 2024
This feature brings together information to help veterinary surgeons understand the regulatory framework around medicinal and consumer cannabidiol based products and highlights some of the relevant published literature…

French Bulldog

Health and welfare of Brachycephalic dogs

Published 16 February 2023 | Updated 15 May 2024
The health and welfare of brachycephalic breeds is an ongoing cause for concern. Despite this they continue to enjoy high popularity as pets, leading to increasing number of these animals being presented to veterinary practice, and compounding of the issues because of the increase in breeding to meet demand…


Veterinary care of rabbits

Published 14 November 2022 | Updated 15 May 2024
The purpose of this collection is to bring together a selection of the most relevant published evidence and resources relating to the veterinary care of rabbits with the aim of improving the care that we can provide to this species in practice…

Unconventional diets for dogs and cats

Published 15 August 2022 | Updated 15 May 2024
The subject of feeding pet dogs and cats seems to generate strong feelings, and there is an increasing range of options available…

Mpox: risks in companion animals

Published 6 June 2022 | Updated 22 January 2024
This information has been put together following the increasing number of cases of Mpox (monkeypox) in humans and the advice that mammalian pets in households where Mpox has been confirmed should be isolated…