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Dec 2024

The impact of restricted grazing systems on the behaviour and welfare of ponies
Kirton, R., Sandford, I., Raffan, E., Hallsworth, S., Burman, O.H.P. and Morgan, R. | Equine Veterinary Journal | September 2024
The aim of this study was to investigate the impact of two commonly used grazing systems — the ‘strip-grazing’ and the ‘track’ systems — on the behaviour and welfare of outdoor-living ponies...
The aim of this study was to investigate the impact of two commonly used grazing systems — the ‘strip-grazing’ and the ‘track’ systems — on the behaviour and welfare of outdoor-living ponies...

Impact of storage on sterility of surgical instruments in autoclave bags
Hart, K. and Cartlidge, H. | The Veterinary Nurse | October 2024
The aim of this mixed methods study was two-fold, to determine an ideal storage duration and method for single surgical instruments packaged in self-sealed autoclave bags, and to determine the current practice of sterilisation and the storage methods for, and duration of, self-sealed autoclave bags used in small animal practice...
The aim of this mixed methods study was two-fold, to determine an ideal storage duration and method for single surgical instruments packaged in self-sealed autoclave bags, and to determine the current practice of sterilisation and the storage methods for, and duration of, self-sealed autoclave bags used in small animal practice...

Perioperative anaesthetic complications in healthy cats undergoing anaesthesia for neutering in first opinion practice
Brown, J.F. and Murison, P.J. | Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery | October 2024
The aim of this retrospective study was to investigate the prevalence of perioperative anaesthetic complications in healthy cats undergoing neutering in first opinion practice...
The aim of this retrospective study was to investigate the prevalence of perioperative anaesthetic complications in healthy cats undergoing neutering in first opinion practice...

Peripheral warming for prevention of hypothermia in small dogs during soft tissue surgery: A randomized controlled trial
Kudoa, A., Obosoa, R., Oshitaa, R., Yamauchia, A., Kamoa, S., Yoshidab, H., Kanai, E. and Takagia, S. | Veterinary Anaesthesia and Analgesia | October 2024
The aim of this prospective randomised controlled study was to evaluate the effect of limb wrapping with table leg covers, in addition to routine thermal support, on the rectal temperature of dogs undergoing anaesthesia...
The aim of this prospective randomised controlled study was to evaluate the effect of limb wrapping with table leg covers, in addition to routine thermal support, on the rectal temperature of dogs undergoing anaesthesia...

Environmental sustainability and ruminant production: A UK veterinary perspective
Britten, N. and Mahendran, S. | Veterinary Record | September 2024
The aim of this review was to increase the awareness of UK veterinary practitioners of the impact of their work on sustainable agriculture practices by outlining the importance of sustainable ruminant production, the metrics that are used to measure sustainability, and how the different aspects of ruminant production impact sustainability...
The aim of this review was to increase the awareness of UK veterinary practitioners of the impact of their work on sustainable agriculture practices by outlining the importance of sustainable ruminant production, the metrics that are used to measure sustainability, and how the different aspects of ruminant production impact sustainability...

Effect of neutering timing in relation to puberty on health in the female dog–a scoping review
Moxon, R., England, G.C.W., Payne, R., Corr, S.A. and Freeman, S.L. | PLOS ONE | October 2024
The aim of this scoping review was to identify the current evidence on the effect of the timing of neutering in relation to puberty on five health outcomes: atopy, developmental orthopaedic disease, neoplasia, obesity and urogenital disease in female dogs, and to highlight any areas where there is a gap in knowledge...
The aim of this scoping review was to identify the current evidence on the effect of the timing of neutering in relation to puberty on five health outcomes: atopy, developmental orthopaedic disease, neoplasia, obesity and urogenital disease in female dogs, and to highlight any areas where there is a gap in knowledge...
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Influenza H5N1 in mammals
Recent cases of Highly Pathogenic Influenza H5N1, in dairy cattle in the United States, have raised concerns about whether this strain of influenza, which is currently circulating widely in birds, is becoming adapted to mammalian species…
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Latest Guidelines
- 2024 ISFM and AAFP consensus guidelines on the long-term use of NSAIDs in catsTaylor, S., Gruen, M., KuKanich, K., Lascelles, B.D.X., Monteiro, B.P., Sampietro, L.R., Robertson, S. and Steagall, P.V. | Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery | April 2024 The aim of these consensus guidelines is to provide ...
- ACVIM consensus statement on diagnosis and management of urinary incontinence in dogsKendall, A., Byron, J.K., Westropp, J.L., Coates, J.R., Vaden, S., Adin, C., Oetelaar, G., Bartges, J.W., Foster, J.D., Adams, L.G., Olby, N. and Berent, A. | Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine | March 2024 The aim ...
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