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Category: Open Access


vet examine dog with owner present

The association between gonadectomy and timing of gonadectomy, and the risk of canine cranial cruciate ligament disease: A systematic review and meta-analysis

Low, D., Costa, L., Hawkesby, J., Nardulli, L., Proteasa, A.and Vallios, V. | Veterinary Surgery | December 2024
The aim of this systematic review and meta-analysis was to investigate the association between gonadectomy and the risk of cranial cruciate ligament disease in dogs…

Sheep and three lambs in a field

A cross-sectional survey of farmer reported prevalence and farm management practices associated with neonatal infectious arthritis (“joint ill”) in lambs, on UK sheep farms

Jackson, L.P., Higgins, H.M. and Duncan, J.S. | Frontiers in Veterinary Science | December 2025
The aim of this cross-sectional online survey questionnaire was to provide an up-to-date estimate of neonatal infectious arthritis (NIA) prevalence on UK sheep farms, to describe management controls for NIA on UK farms and to explore associated risk factors…

Vet examine horse in field with owner present

Challenges for the veterinary profession: A grounded theory study of veterinarians’ experiences of caring for older horses

Smith, R., Pinchbeck, G., McGowan, C., Ireland, J. and Perkins, E. | Equine Veterinary Journal | November 2024
The aim of this qualitative study was to explore how veterinary surgeons in Great Britain approach veterinary care for the ageing horse and to develop a theory that explains the influence veterinary surgeon have on the vet–owner relationship, and on the health and welfare of the older horse…

Grey cat eating from a bowl of dry food

Efficacy and safety of a diet enriched with EPA and DHA, turmeric extract and hydrolysed collagen in management of naturally occurring osteoarthritis in cats: A prospective, randomised, blinded, placebo- and time-controlled study

Lefort-Holguin, M., Delsart, A., Otis, C., Moreau, M., Barbeau-Grégoire, M., Mellet, F., Biourge, V., Lussier, B., Pelletier, J.-P., Martel-Pelletier, J. and Troncy, E. | Animals | November 2024
The aim of this prospective, randomised, blinded and placebo-controlled study was to investigate the efficacy and safety of a test diet containing a high level of EPA and DHA, turmeric extract and hydrolysed collagen compared to a placebo diet, in cats with naturally occurring osteoarthritis…

Indoor cat wearing a collar

Efficacy of a pheromone-impregnated collar in controlling feline problem behaviors, and an assessment of adverse events associated with collar use

Endersby, S., Billy, C. and de Jaeger, X. | Frontiers in Veterinary Science | December 2024
The aim of this blinded randomised placebo-controlled study was to evaluate the efficacy of a pheromone collar in managing behavioural problems in cats, and to assess adverse events reported with the use of these collars compared to a regular control collar…

Ponies grazing in a field with fence

The impact of restricted grazing systems on the behaviour and welfare of ponies

Kirton, R., Sandford, I., Raffan, E., Hallsworth, S., Burman, O.H.P. and Morgan, R. | Equine Veterinary Journal | September 2024
The aim of this study was to investigate the impact of two commonly used grazing systems — the ‘strip-grazing’ and the ‘track’ systems — on the behaviour and welfare of outdoor-living ponies…

Cat in surgery connected to the anaesthetic machine

Perioperative anaesthetic complications in healthy cats undergoing anaesthesia for neutering in first opinion practice

Brown, J.F. and Murison, P.J. | Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery | October 2024
The aim of this retrospective study was to investigate the prevalence of perioperative anaesthetic complications in healthy cats undergoing neutering in first opinion practice…

Lots of cows in a shed

Environmental sustainability and ruminant production: A UK veterinary perspective

Britten, N. and Mahendran, S. | Veterinary Record | September 2024
The aim of this review was to increase the awareness of UK veterinary practitioners of the impact of their work on sustainable agriculture practices by outlining the importance of sustainable ruminant production, the metrics that are used to measure sustainability, and how the different aspects of ruminant production impact sustainability…

dog with dressing in a place for a spay

Effect of neutering timing in relation to puberty on health in the female dog–a scoping review

Moxon, R., England, G.C.W., Payne, R., Corr, S.A. and Freeman, S.L. | PLOS ONE | October 2024
The aim of this scoping review was to identify the current evidence on the effect of the timing of neutering in relation to puberty on five health outcomes: atopy, developmental orthopaedic disease, neoplasia, obesity and urogenital disease in female dogs, and to highlight any areas where there is a gap in knowledge…

Owner holder a hamster

Burrowing for answers: Investigating Syrian hamster welfare through owner surveys

Fox, A. and Neville, V. | Veterinary Record | August 2024
The aim of this online study was to survey owners of Syrian hamsters about the housing, husbandry, behaviour and health of their hamsters to identify areas of good and poor practice, and to assess whether owners were observing natural behaviours…