Exploring the many roles of a veterinary nurse
‘In the Spotlight’ features bring together collections of published papers on topics of interest and importance to the veterinary professions.
If you would like to suggest a paper for inclusion in one of our published Spotlight features, or a topic for a future Spotlight feature, please email library@rcvsknowledge.org
Exploring the many roles of a veterinary nurse
Supporting and educating clients
Below is a selection of references from a search on CAB Abstracts database
Hargrave, C. (2018) Helping owners to support the emotional and behavioural needs of the socially mature cat. The Veterinary Nurse, 9(9), pp. 480-487 [This article can be accessed via RCVS Knowledge Library membership, click here]
- Richmond, P. and Wright, I. (2018) A veterinary nurse-led approach to flea control. The Veterinary Nurse, 9(9), pp. 466-473 [This article can be accessed via RCVS Knowledge Library membership, click here]
- Brown, B.R. (2018) The dimensions of pet-owner loyalty and the relationship with communication, trust, commitment and perceived value. Veterinary Sciences, 5(4), pp. 95 [This article is available on open access, click here]
- Belshaw, Z. et al (2018) Owner and veterinary surgeon perspectives on the roles of veterinary nurses and receptionists in relation to small animal preventive healthcare consultations in the United Kingdom. Veterinary Record, 183(9), pp. 296
A list of references on the role of the VN in supporting and education clients is available to download.
Emergency and critical care
Below is a selection of references from a search in CAB Abstracts database
- Haskey, D. (2019) Acute kidney injury. The Veterinary Nurse, 10(1), pp. 19-25 [This article can be accessed via RCVS Knowledge Library membership, click here]
- Kirkness, H. (2019) Wound management – innovations and techniques. VN Times, 19(2), pp. 12-14
- Hall, K.E. et al. (2018) ACVECC-Veterinary Committee on trauma registry report 2013-2017. Journal of Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care, 28(6), pp. 497-502 [This article can be accessed via RCVS Knowledge Library membership, click here]
- Bell, S. (2018) An overview of debridement techniques. The Veterinary Nurse, 9(6), pp. 294-301 [This article can be accessed via RCVS Knowledge Library membership, click here]
A list of references on the role of the VN in emergency and critical care and wound management is available to download.
Veterinary medicine and surgery
Below is a selection of references from a search in CAB Abstracts database
- Gray, K. (2018) Management of tubes, lines and drains. The Veterinary Nurse, 9(10), pp. 525-531 [This article can be accessed via RCVS Knowledge Library membership, click here]
- Riley, I. (2018) Advanced equine diagnostics – magnetic resonance imaging. The Veterinary Nurse, 9(8), pp. 422-427 [This article can be accessed via RCVS Knowledge Library membership, click here]
- Mede, E. (2018) The veterinary technician in ambulatory exotic animal medicine. Veterinary Clinics of North America: Exotic Animal Practice, 21(3), pp. 563-578 [This article can be accessed via RCVS Knowledge Library membership, click here]
- Bagshaw-Wright, P. (2018) Capnography: a guide for veterinary nurses. Veterinary Nursing Journal, 33 (10), pp. 283-286 [This article can be accessed via RCVS Knowledge Library membership, click here]
A list of references on the role of the VN in veterinary medicine and surgery is available to download.
Animal well-being and welfare
Below is a selection of references from a search in CAB Abstracts database
- Williams, T., Carroll, A. and Montrose, V.T. (2019) Environmental methods used by veterinary centres to reduce stress of cats and dogs during practice visits. The Veterinary Nurse, 10(1), pp. 47-52 [This article can be accessed via RCVS Knowledge Library membership, click here]
- Pizzi, R. (2018) Veterinary nursing in international conservation projects. British Veterinary Zoological Society: Proceedings of BVZS Conference, 9-11 November 2018, pp. 43
- Hunt, G. (2018) The influence veterinary practice management teams have on the welfare of veterinary nurses within the work environment. Veterinary Nursing Journal, 33(4), pp. 114-117 [This article can be accessed via RCVS Knowledge Library membership, click here]
- Dawson, L.C. et al. (2018) Evaluation of a canine and feline behavioural welfare assessment tool for use in companion animal veterinary practice. Applied Animal behaviour Science, 201, pp. 67-76 [This article can be accessed via RCVS Knowledge Library membership, click here]
A list of references on the role of the VN in animal well-being, welfare, palliative care and euthanasia is available to download.
Keeping up with your CPD
- EBVM Learning – on online tutorial
- EBVM Toolkit – a guide to answering a clinical question with the best available evidence
- EBVM resources for VNs – where to start with EBVM
- RCVS Knowledge Library subject alert on veterinary nursing – free subscription for RVNs
- Today’s Veterinary Nurse – sign up for free subscription
- Boulton, C. (2017) Setting up and running a journal club in practice. London : RCVS Knowledge [Available free online]
- VN Knowledge webinars – free to BVNA members
- LafeberVet: the resource for exotic animal veterinary professionals – free access to the Continuing Education Webinars
- Hosted by the International Cat Care – for upcoming open access webinars
- Inspecting VN careers – Veterinary nurses within the RCVS looking at the twists and turns of their careers and discussing where a career as a veterinary nurse can take you [RCVS podcast recorded May 2018]
- RCVS CPD Champions – Be strategic and make your CPD work for you – a blog by Jackie Belle
- Evolving CPD and VN Futures update – Proposed changes to CPD to make it more focused on interactive and reflective learning [RCVS podcast recorded March 2018]
- VN Futures – VN career case studies – Where will your VN career lead you?
Online full-text available to Library members
A range of library membership packages is available and MRCVS vets and RVNs can join the library for a heavily subsidised, annual fee.
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