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Quality of Life assessment tools

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Quality of Life assessment tools

Published 31 August 2021| Updated 24 January 2025

The purpose of this collection is to bring together published resources relating to the assessment of quality of life and to signpost validated assessment tools that may be useful in veterinary practice. The resources cover some general papers relating to the assessment of quality of life, the development and validation of assessment tools and examples of how these can be used to assess quality of life and improve animal welfare. The papers are grouped under general quality of life assessment tools, pain assessment tools and disease specific assessment tools.

As with our other collections, papers are chosen for relevance and accessibility, with the full text of articles either being available through RCVS Knowledge Library or from other publications to which a significant number of veterinary professionals are likely to have access.


  1. Quality of Life and animal welfare
  2. Assessing Quality of Life
  3. Quality of Life assessment tools
      1. Animal Welfare Assessment Grid
      2. Welfare Quality Network
      3. Health Related Quality of Life
          1. Dogs
          2. Cats
      4. Owner questionnaires
      5. Temperament and behaviour tests
      6. Kennelled / shelter dogs
  4. Pain assessment tools
      1. General references
      2. Species specific assessment tools
          1. Dogs
          2. Cats
          3. Rabbits
          4. Horses
          5. Farm animals
          6. Small mammals / laboratory animals
  5. Disease specific assessment tools
      1. Arthritis / DJD – pain assessment
          1. Dogs
          2. Cats
      2. Cancer – Quality of Life assessment
      3. Other conditions
          1. Spinal cord injuries
          2. Chiari‐like malformation and syringomyelia
          3. Cardiac disease
          4. Renal disease
          5. Skin disease
          6. Obesity
          7. Endocrine disease
          8. Miscellaneous

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