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Tag: veterinary care
vet and dog owner in discussion

Cat and dog owners’ expectations and attitudes towards advanced veterinary care (AVC) in the UK, Austria and Denmark

Corr, S.A., Lund, T.B., Sandøe, P. and Springer, S. | PLoS ONE | March 2024
The aim of this online survey study was to investigate owners’ expectations and attitudes towards advanced veterinary care and factors that might influence those views…

‘Care about my animal, know your stuff and take me seriously’: United Kingdom and Australian clients’ views on the capabilities most important in their veterinarians

K. Hughes, S.M. Rhind, L. Mossop, K. Cobb, E. Morley, M. Kerrin, C. Morton and M. Cake | Veterinary Record | September 2018
The aim of this study was to investigate client views on what they expect from veterinary surgeons, particularly what makes for a positive experience…