Brucella canis: Zoonotic potential / public health

spotlight topic:

3. Zoonotic potential / Public health

Published 5 July 2023 | Updated 9 August 2024

Brucellosis is a common zoonosis worldwide, with five out of the nine known Brucella species known to be able to infect humans. The most pathogenic and invasive species for human is B. melitensis, followed in descending order by B. suisB. abortus and B. canis.

While B. canis is a recognised zoonotic pathogen, the number of human cases reported globally is small. This section provides links to current reviews of Brucellosis as a zoonosis before looking at more specific evidence relating to the zoonotic potential of B canis.


Updated 9 August 2024

Brucella canis

Updated 15 May 2024

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