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Category: Summaries


Dental check of teeth yellow labrador retriever

Dental anaesthesia and analgesia of the dog and cat

H. Benney | The Veterinary Nurse | July 2017
Dental surgery is a common procedure in veterinary practice requiring careful consideration of patient monitoring and airway protection. This review article looks at the dental patient through all stages of anaesthesia…

Herd of piglets on animal farm

Antimicrobial drug use in food-producing animals and associated human health risks: what, and how strong, is the evidence?

K. Hoelzer, N. Wong, J. Thomas, K. Talkington, E. Jungman and A. Coukell | BMC Veterinary Research | July 2017
Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) presents a global public health threat which leads to millions of resistant infections and thousands of deaths each year…

Surgical sterilisation of cat

Pre-pubertal feline neutering: the role of the veterinary nurse in owner education

L. Gower | Veterinary Nursing Journal | July 2017
Veterinary nurses are often the first point of contact for clients enquiring about neutering procedures in cats. Questions may refer to early neutering and the veterinary nurse has a key educative role in delivering practical information in line with their practice policy on neutering…

dog and cat playing together outdoor

Patterns of antimicrobial agent prescription in a sentinel population of canine and feline veterinary practices in the United Kingdom

D.A. Singleton, F. Sanchez-Vizcaino, S. Dawson, P.H. Jones, P.J.M. Noble, G.L. Pinchbeck, N.J. Williams and A.D. Radford | The Veterinary Journal | June 2017
Antimicrobial resistance is recognised as a global health threat and tackling the use of antibiotics is a high priority…

Medical stethoscope and laptop and books

When is it safe to report abuse?

G. Mills | Veterinary Record | July 2017
This short feature article is a timely reminder of the current advice for veterinary practitioners when faced with what appears to be an animal with non-accidental injuries…

Little cat with broken leg

Definitive Glasgow acute pain scale for cats: validation and intervention level

J. Reid, E.M. Scott, G. Calvo and A.M. Nolan | Veterinary Record | May 2017
The ability to consistently assess pain in animals is vital for the management of analgesia. A number of assessment tools, where the scores are linked to an intervention level…

Vet hand holding syringe and bottle on farm with cow in background

Safety culture: the Nottingham Veterinary Safety Culture Survey (NVSCS)

C. Oxtoby, L. Mossop, K. White and E. Ferguson | Veterinary Record | May 2017
The culture of an organisation has been shown to influence the attitudes and behaviours of staff and is intrinsically linked to financial, quality and safety outcomes…

young hedgehog in natural habitat

Principles of triage and first aid in wildlife casualties

E. Mullineaux | Companion Animal | June 2017
It is a regulatory, legal and ethical requirement that veterinary professionals provide emergency care to all indigenous wildlife casualties. Being able to quickly decide which cases are suitable for treatment, rehabilitation and eventual release and which should be euthanised is essential for ensuring animal welfare…

a female belgian shepherd taking care of one of her newborn puppies

Canine dystocia in 50 UK first-opinion emergency-care veterinary practices: prevalence and risk factors

D.G. O’Neill, A.M. O’Sullivan, E.A. Manson, D.B. Church, A.K. Boag, P.D. McGreevy and D.C. Brodbelt | Veterinary Record | July 2017
The prevalence of dystocia is a major welfare concern in dogs of certain breeds. Previous studies have reported breed, body size and age as risk factors for dystocia but the results have been inconsistent…

doctor washing hands in hospital

Recommendations for approaches to meticillin-resistant staphylococcal infections of small animals: diagnosis, therapeutic considerations and preventative measures. Clinical Consensus Guidelines of the World Association for Veterinary Dermatology

D. Morris, A. Loeffler, M. F. Davis, L. Guardabassi and J. S. Weese | Veterinary Dermatology | June 2017
In veterinary medicine meticillin resistance is recognised as a potentially serious and widespread problem being prevalent within populations of the Straphylococcus species of clinical importance to dogs and cats…