Practice-based research: Experimental studies

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3.b. Experimental studies

Published 11 June 2021

  • Oyama, M.A., Ellenberg, S.S. and Shaw, P.A. (2017) Clinical trials in veterinary medicine: a new era brings new challenges. Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine, 31 (4), pp. 970-978.
  • Sargeant, J.M., Kelton, D.F. and O’Connor, A.M. (2014) Randomized controlled trials and challenge trials: design and criterion for validity. Zoonoses and Public Health, 61 (s1), pp. 18-27.
  • Moore, S.A. et al (2021) A CTSA One Health Alliance (COHA) survey of clinical trial infrastructure in North American veterinary institutions. BMC Veterinary Research, 17, no. 90.
  • Festing, M.F. (2020) The “completely randomised” and the “randomised block” are the only experimental designs suitable for widespread use in pre-clinical research. Scientific Reports, 10, no. 17577.
  • Giuffrida, M.A., Agnello, K.A. and Brown, D.C. (2012) Blinding terminology used in reports of randomized controlled trials involving dogs and cats. Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association, 241 (9), pp. 1221-1226.
  • Davies, R. et al (2017) Quality assurance and best research practices for non-regulated veterinary clinical studies. BMC Veterinary Research, 13, no. 242.
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