Practice-based research: Research synthesis

spotlight topic:
3.c. Research synthesis

Published 11 June 2021

  • O’Connor, A. and Sargeant, J. (2015) Research synthesis in veterinary science: narrative reviews, systematic reviews and meta-analysis. The Veterinary Journal, 206 (3), pp. 261-267.
  • Sargeant, J.M. and O’Connor, A.M. (2014) Introduction to systematic reviews in animal agriculture and veterinary medicine. Zoonoses and Public Health, 61 (s1), pp. 3-9.
  • O’Connor, A.M. et al (2014) Conducting systematic reviews of intervention questions I: writing the review protocol, formulating the question and searching the literature. Zoonoses and Public Health, 61 (s1), pp. 28-38.
  • Sargeant, J.M. and O’Connor, A.M. (2014) Conducting systematic reviews of intervention questions II: relevance screening, data extraction, assessing risk of bias, presenting the results and interpreting the findings. Zoonoses and Public Health, 61 (s1), pp. 39-51.
  • O’Connor, A.M., Sargeant, J.M. and Wang, C. (2014) Conducting systematic reviews of intervention questions III: synthesizing data from intervention studies using meta‐analysis. Zoonoses and Public Health, 61 (s1), pp.52-63.
  • Buczinski, S., Ferraro, S. and Vandeweerd, J.M. (2018) Assessment of systematic reviews and meta-analyses available for bovine and equine veterinarians and quality of abstract reporting: a scoping review. Preventive Veterinary Medicine, 161, pp.50-59.
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