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Month: February 2021


Dog eating from bowl of food

Comparison between a flash glucose monitoring system and a portable blood glucose meter for monitoring dogs with diabetes mellitus

F. Del Baldo, C. Canton, S. Testa, H. Swales, I. Drudi, S. Golinelli and F. Fracassi | Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine | November/December 2020
The aim of this prospective observational study was to compare glucose curve (GC) readings taken from insulin-treated dogs with diabetes using two different monitoring systems: The Freestyle Libre Flash Glucose Monitoring System (FLMS) and the Portable Blood Glucose Meter (PBGM)…

Cleaning mobile phone

Staphylococcal bacterial contamination of portable electronic devices in a large veterinary hospital

G. Vinall, T. Cogan, A. Jeffery and M. Tivers | Journal of Small Animal Practice | December 2020
This study aimed to determine the prevalence of staphylococcal contamination on portable electronic devices (PEDs), such as mobile phones and tablets, in a veterinary hospital, to identify whether humans or animals were the likely source; and to determine the pathogenesis of the cultured strain…

Vet examining a dog in a clinic

Efficacy of telmisartan for the treatment of persistent renal proteinuria in dogs: A double‐masked, randomized clinical trial

B.N. Lourenço, A.E. Coleman, S.A. Brown, C.W. Schmiedt, M.C. Parkanzky and K.E. Creevy | Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine | November/December 2020
The aim of this prospective, double-blinded, randomised study was to evaluate the efficacy of telmisartan compared to enalapril for the reduction of proteinuria in dogs with chronic kidney disease (CKD) and persistent renal proteinuria…

at drinking from metal bowl

Renal patients: IRIS scores, nursing care plans and care bundles

N. Ackerman | The Veterinary Nurse | December 2020
This article describes the management of cats and dogs with chronic renal failure (CRF) using the International Renal Interest Society (IRIS) staging score, which enables veterinary professionals to integrate the IRIS guidelines into care bundles as part of an overall nursing care plan…

emale vet looking at horse leg in a field

A review of normal radiographical variants commonly mistaken for pathological findings in horses

F.E. Hinkle, S.A. Johnson, K.T. Selberg and M.F. Barrett | Equine Veterinary Education | December 2020
The aim of this review article was to highlight a range of normal radiographical variants that are commonly mistaken for pathological abnormalities in horses to help practitioners minimise inappropriate case management and unnecessary surgery…

Flock of sheep grazing in a hill at sunset.

Antimicrobial & antiparasitic use and resistance in British sheep and cattle: a systematic review

M. Hennessey, L. Whatford, S. Payne-Gifford, K.F. Johnson, S. Van Winden, D. Barling and B. Häsler | Preventive Veterinary Medicine | December 2020
The aim of this study was to carry out a systematic review of the use and resistance of antimicrobials and antiparasitics in cattle and sheep production in Britain, to provide an overview of the current situation and to identify any gaps in knowledge…

Assisting decision-making on age of neutering for 35 breeds of dogs: Associated joint disorders, cancers, and urinary incontinence

|Frontiers in Veterinary Science | 2020 | This paper used hospital records, covering a 15-year period, from the Veterinary Medical Teaching hospital at the University of California, to analyse the risk of specific joint disorders and cancers associated with neutering at various ages…

Veterinary medicines and the environment

Published 2 February 2021| Updated 18 November 2024
This Spotlight covers evidence on the impact of veterinary medicines on the environment…