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Category: Equine


Horses in a barn

Equine allergic skin diseases: Clinical consensus guidelines of the World Association for Veterinary Dermatology

Marsella, R., White, S., Fadok, V.A., Wilson, D., Mueller, R., Outerbridge, C. and Rosenkrantz, W. | Veterinary Dermatology | May 2023
The aim of this consensus statement was to review the available literature on equine allergic skin diseases and to make recommendations based on best available evidence…

Horse standing

Treatment of equine sarcoids: A systematic review

Offer, K.S, Dixon, C.E and Sutton, D.G.M. | Equine Veterinary Journal | March 2023
The aim of this systematic review was to examine the quality of available evidence for the treatment of sarcoids in equids with the intention of developing guidelines for the treatment of sarcoids and to highlight any gaps in the current evidence…

vet examining horse foot

Systematic review of the association between intrasynovial corticosteroid use and laminitis—What is the evidence?

Tokawa, P.K.A., Baccarin, R.Y.A. and Zanotto, G. | Equine Veterinary Education | January 2023
The aim of this systematic review was to examine the published evidence relating to the incidence of laminitis in horses following the use of intrasynovial corticosteroids…

Horse eating from bucket_2

Exploring human behavior change in equine welfare: Insights from a COM-B analysis of the UK’s equine obesity epidemic

Furtado, T., Perkins, E., Pinchbeck, G., McGowan, C., Watkins, F. and Christley, R. | Frontiers in Veterinary Medicine | November 2022
The aim of this study was to explore the experiences, perceptions and motivations of horse owners using the COM-B model of behaviour change to show areas where behaviour change could facilitate better equine weight management…

Vet in discussion with horse owner

Use of antimicrobials licensed for systemic administration in UK equine practice

S.E. Allen,K.L.P. Verheyen, D.G. O’Neill and D.C. Brodbelt | Equine Veterinary Journal | October 2022
The aims of this retrospective study were to assess the current antimicrobial usage (AMU) and explore risk factors associated with systemic and Category B (third and fourth generation cephalosporins, quinolones and polymixins) AMU in UK equine practice…

Antimicrobial prescribing and antimicrobial resistance surveillance in equine practice

A. Wilson, T. Mair, N. Williams, C. McGowan and G. Pinchbeck | Equine Veterinary Journal | May 2022
The aim of this online questionnaire-based survey study was to characterise the current antimicrobial prescribing practices and behaviours of veterinary surgeons in equine practice, to evaluate the frequency of antimicrobial resistance (AMR) infections encountered and describe surveillance, audit processes and infection control activities in equine hospitals…

Expert visual assessment strategies for equine lameness examinations in a straight line and circle: A mixed methods study using eye tracking

S.D. Starke and S.A. May | Vet Record | June 2022
The aim of this study was to create a knowledge base of expert approaches to equine lameness assessment in order to provide a quantitative starting point that can inform future evidence-based approaches to clinical lameness assessment and education…

Risk factors for a first episode of primary uveitis in the UK and proportion of cases that experience recurrence following this first episode

F. Malalana, J.L. Ireland, G.L. Pinchbeck and C.M. McGowan | Equine Veterinary Journal | March 2022
This prospective, case-control longitudinal study aimed to determine the potential risk factors for the development of primary uveitis in horses in the UK and the prevalence of cases that experience recurrence following this first episode…

Horses in a barn

Antimicrobial resistance in clinical bacterial isolates from horses in the UK.

C.M. Isgren, N.J. Williams, O.D. Fletcher, D. Timofte, R.J. Newton, T.W. Maddox, P.D. Clegg and G.L. Pinchbeck | Equine Veterinary Journal | March 2022
The aim of this prospective observational study was to describe the prevalence of bacteria most commonly isolated from clinical specimens and patterns of antimicrobial resistance (AMR) among bacterial isolates from equine samples sent to six UK diagnostic laboratories over a 12-month period…

A scoping review of the current evidence on treatment and outcomes following synovial sepsis

T.C. de Souza, J.M. Suthers, E. Busschers, J.H. Burford and S.L. Freeman | Equine Veterinary Journal | October 2021
The aim of this scoping review was to identify and evaluate the available literature on treatments and outcomes for synovial sepsis in the horse and to identify areas suitable for a future systematic review…