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Tag: animal health
Owner holder a hamster

Burrowing for answers: Investigating Syrian hamster welfare through owner surveys

Fox, A. and Neville, V. | Veterinary Record | August 2024
The aim of this online study was to survey owners of Syrian hamsters about the housing, husbandry, behaviour and health of their hamsters to identify areas of good and poor practice, and to assess whether owners were observing natural behaviours…

dogs lying in a field

Vasectomy and ovary-sparing spay in dogs: comparison of health and behavior outcomes with gonadectomized and sexually intact dogs

Zink, C., Delgado, M. M. and Stella, J. L. | Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association | January 2023
The aim of this online survey study was to compare the health and behaviour outcomes for dogs that underwent vasectomy, or ovary-sparing spay (hysterectomy) with sexually intact dogs or dogs that had undergone traditional castration or spay…

vet talking to dog owner

Broadening the veterinary consultation: Dog owners want to talk about more than physical health

Hale, H., Blackwell, E., Roberts, C., Roe, E. and Mullan, S. | Animals | January 2023
The aim of this mixed methods study was to investigate dogs owners’ experience and attitudes towards discussing topics relating to canine health and well-being with a veterinary professional, whether they had experienced the use of a formal assessment tool and if so whether they found the experience useful…

Cats and dog eating together

The impact of vegan diets on indicators of health in dogs and cats: A systematic review

Domínguez-Oliva, A., Mota-Rojas, D., Semendric, I. and Whittaker, A.L. | Veterinary Sciences | January 2023
The purpose of this systematic review was to formally assess the published evidence relating to the health impact of feeding vegan diets to dogs and cats…

Syringe with glass vials and medications pills

Storage of prescription veterinary medicines on UK dairy farms: a cross-sectional study

G.M. Rees, D.C. Barrett, H. Buller, H.L. Mills and K.K. Reyher | Veterinary Record | January 2019
The aim of this cross-sectional study was to report on the quantity, composition and storage of prescription veterinary medicines (PVMs) on UK dairy farms…

Ceasing the use of the highest priority critically important antimicrobials does not adversely affect production, health or welfare parameters on dairy cows

A. Turner, D. Tisdall, D.C. Barrett, S. Wood, A. Dowsey and K.K. Reyher | Veterinary Record | April 2018
Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) in production animal medicine is an area of increasing concern and steps have already been taken to reduce antimicrobial (AM) usage in production animals…