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Tag: companion animals
cat examination by vet

Pet owners’ and veterinarians’ perceptions of information exchange and clinical decision-making in companion animal practice

N. Janke, J.B. Coe, T.M. Bernardo, C.E. Dewey and E.A. Stone | PLoS ONE | February 2021
The aim of this study was to compare the perceptions of pet owners and veterinarians in small animal practice with respect to information exchange and decision-making; and to identify the barriers and challenges faced by the veterinarians…

Drawing the line in clinical treatment of companion animals: recommendations from an ethics working party

H. Grimm, A. Bergadano, G.C. Musk, K. Otto, P.M. Taylor and J.C. Duncan | Veterinary Record | March 2018
Technological developments, the increasing range of treatment options available in companion animal medicine and the owner’s willingness to pay for treatment mean that veterinary surgeons are regularly confronted with ethical challenges when treating their patients…

Old dog Noah

Caregiver burden in owners of a sick companion animal: a cross-sectional observational study

M.B. Spitznagel, D.M. Jacobson, M.D. Cox, M.D. Carlson | Veterinary Record | September 2017
Clients who provide care for a companion animal with a protracted illness may experience ‘caregiver burden’. In human literature, caregiver burden has been linked to stress, depression and anxiety which can lead to anger and greater levels of healthcare utilisation…