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Year: 2020


Scrubs contamination, domestic laundry effect and workwear habits of clinical staff at a referral hospital

P. Kokkinos, L. Morgan, K. Hughes, D. Pollard, J. Gasson and K. Bowlt‐Blacklock | Journal of Small Animal Practice | February 2020
This cross-sectional study aimed to document bacterial contamination levels on uniforms worn by veterinary staff after a clinical shift; to investigate the efficacy of home laundry on bacterial load, and to explore staff habits towards work uniform during and after a clinical shift…

Rabbits on a farm

Seasonality and risk factors for myxomatosis in pet rabbits in Great Britain

S. Farrell, P.J-M. Noble, G. L. Pinchbeck, B. Brant, A. Caravaggi, D.A. Singleton, A. D. Radford | Preventive Veterinary Medicine | March 2020
The aim of this study was to explore host, vaccine and seasonal factors affecting presumptive myxomatosis cases in a pet rabbit population, as seen in a network of veterinary practices from across Great Britain…