ACVIM consensus statement on pancreatitis in cats

summary of:
ACVIM consensus statement on pancreatitis in cats
Cat check up by veterinarian
M.A. Forman, J.M. Steiner, P.J. Armstrong, M.S. Camus, L. Gaschen, S.L. Hill, C.S. Mansfield and K. Steiger
Published in:
March/April 2021
Type of access:

Open access

In our edition of: Apr 2021
In our categories of: small animals

our summary:

Forman, M.A. et al (2021) ACVIM consensus statement on pancreatitis in cats. Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine, 35 (2), pp. 703-723. 

The stated aim of this consensus statement was to summarise the evidence from the current literature relating to the aetiology, pathogenesis, diagnosis, and management of pancreatitis in cats and where evidence is lacking to make clinically relevant recommendations based on the consensus of an expert panel.

The panel consisted of eight experts in the field (five internists, one radiologist, one clinical pathologist, and one anatomic pathologist) with support from a librarian. Using the standard methodology for ACVIM consensus statements, they assessed and summarised the evidence and, where evidence was lacking, complemented it with consensus clinical recommendations.

Findings from the evidence review showed that there is currently limited amounts of available evidence on the aetiology, pathogenesis and management of both acute and chronic pancreatitis; most available evidence was related to the diagnosis of pancreatitis in cats. There is also a lack of standardisation in the classification of pancreatitis in cats.

Limitations of the study include the lack of clarity on the search strategy and that there is no explicit statement of the methodology in the main body of the paper. Feline pancreatitis is also discussed as an isolated disease state and not in the context of comorbidities.

Take Home

This consensus statement provides practitioners with an overview of current knowledge on all aspects of pancreatitis in cats. It will provide useful information for the management of individual cases as well as a starting point on which to develop local practice guidelines.

Image copyright attribute: Denys Kurbatov

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