Entries by Myai Du

Comparison of clinical cure rates from footrot and contagious ovine digital dermatitis using zinc sulphate foot bathing and topical oxytetracycline: A randomised trial

Jackson, A., Grove-White, D.H., Angell, J.W. and Duncan, J.S. | Veterinary Record | June 2023
The aim of this randomised controlled trial was to establish, and compare, the clinical cure rates of interdigital dermatitis (ID), footrot (FR) and contagious ovine digital dermatitis (CODD) from using either an antibiotic oxytetracycline spray or a disinfectant zinc sulphate footbath…

Use of human behaviour change models to investigate horse owner intention to adopt emergency colic recommendations

Lightfoot, K.L., Frost, E., Burford, J.H., England, G.C.W. and Freeman, S.L. | Equine Veterinary Journal | May 2023
The aim of this study was to investigate UK horse owners’ attitudes and practices associated with colic emergency planning through the application of two behavioural models: the Trans-theoretical model and the Theory of Planned Behaviour…