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Category: Summaries


BEVA primary care clinical guidelines: Wound management in the horse

S.L. Freeman, N.M. Ashton, Y.A. Elce, A. Hammond, A.R. Hollis and G. Quinn | Equine Veterinary Journal | May 2020
These clinical guidelines aimed to provide evidence-based recommendations on wound management in horses…

Dog owners’ perspectives on canine dental health-a questionnaire study in Sweden

K.B. Enlund, C. Brunius, J. Hanson, R. Hagman, O.V. Höglund, P. Gustås and A. Pettersson | Frontiers in Veterinary Science | June 2020
The aim of this study was to investigate dog owners’ opinions, and assessment, of their dog’s dental health…

cat on the stairs

Development of a checklist for the detection of degenerative joint disease-associated pain in cats

M. Enomoto, B.D.X. Lascelles and M.E. Gruen | Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery | March 2020
The aim of this study was to develop a checklist that could be completed by owners and used to identify cats likely to have pain associated with degenerative joint diseases (DJD)…

ACVIM consensus statement guidelines for the classification, diagnosis, and management of cardiomyopathies in cats

V. Luis Fuentes, J. Abbott, V. Chetboul, E. Cote, P.R. Fox, J. Häggström, M.D. Kittleson, K. Schober and J.A. Stern | Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine | May 2020
The aim of these consensus statement guidelines was to provide an updated classification of cardiomyopathies in cats based on echocardiographic phenotype and to provide recommendations for their diagnosis and management…

Staff attitudes to and compliance with the use of a surgical safety checklist

H. Kilbane, C. Oxtoby, C. and M.S. Tivers | Journal of Small Animal Practice | March 2020
This study aimed to investigate attitudes to the use of a surgical safety checklist in small animal surgery; to gain insight into barriers to their use and to assess the level of compliance in full completion…

Importing rescue dogs into the UK: reasons, methods and welfare considerations

C. Norman, J. Stavisky and C. Westgarth | Veterinary Record | February 2020
The aim of this study, which was funded by the Animal Welfare Foundation, was to establish the reasons why people adopt rescued dogs from outside the UK and to investigate health and welfare problems with these dogs…

A prospective randomized, double‐blinded clinical study evaluating the efficacy and safety of bupivacaine versus morphine‐bupivacaine in caudal epidurals in cats with urethral obstruction

C.L.Pratt, A. Balakrishnan, E. McGowan, K.J. Drobatz and E.L Reineke | Journal of Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care | March/April 2020
The aim of this prospective, double-blinded, randomised, sham-controlled study was to investigate whether the use of the caudal epidural technique in cats with urethral obstruction (UO) facilitates the process of urinary catheter placement and provides longer-term analgesia during hospitalisation…

Comparison of the colic incidence in a horse population with or without inclusion of germinated barley in the diet

L. Troya, J. Blanco, I. Romero and M. Re | Equine Veterinary Education | April 2020
The aim of this observational study was to determine if the inclusion of germinated barley as a supplement to the daily ration would decrease the incidence of colic in a population of horses…

Annual booster vaccination and the risk of equine influenza to Thoroughbred racehorses

S. Gildea, P. Lyons, R. Lyons, J. Gahan, M. Garvey and A. Cullinane | Equine Veterinary Journal | November 2019
The aim of this observational field study was to investigate the equine influenza (EI) outbreaks that occurred within a four-week period between December 2014 and January 2015 in four racing yards in Ireland…

Survival of bovine digital dermatitis treponemes on hoof knife blades and the effects of various disinfectants

A. Gillespie, S.D. Carter, R.W. Blowey and N. Evans | Veterinary Record | January 2020
The aim of this study, funded by BBRSC and AHDB Dairy, was first to test the survival times of treponemes on hoof knife blades under aerobic conditions, and secondly to test a range of common disinfectants at working concentrations for removing viable treponemes from hoof knife blades…