Remote consulting: Can you estimate body composition in dogs from photographs?

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Can you estimate body composition in dogs from photographs?

Published 19 August 2020

Gant, P. et al (2016) Can you estimate body composition in dogs from photographs? BMC Veterinary Research, 12 (1), 18.

In this retrospective study, photographs taken before and after weight loss from 155 overweight and obese dogs were examined by observers with a range of experience who estimate body condition indirectly using three different methods. The images used standard views (lateral and dorsal) to enable abdominal and thoracic width to be assessed or measured. The authors concluded that an estimate of body condition can be obtained from an indirect assessment of photographs, but performance varies amongst observers.

Whilst not perfect, this does suggest that such a measurement produces a broad guide to body condition, which might be useful clinically.

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