Published 27 September 2023 | updated 24 January 2025 |
With reports of a significant outbreak of Feline Infectious Peritonitis in Cyprus, and advances in the options for diagnosis and treatment, we thought this would be a good time to provide links to some of the latest guidance and research…
Offer, K.S, Dixon, C.E and Sutton, D.G.M. | Equine Veterinary Journal | March 2023
The aim of this systematic review was to examine the quality of available evidence for the treatment of sarcoids in equids with the intention of developing guidelines for the treatment of sarcoids and to highlight any gaps in the current evidence…
T.C. de Souza, J.M. Suthers, E. Busschers, J.H. Burford and S.L. Freeman | Equine Veterinary Journal | October 2021
The aim of this scoping review was to identify and evaluate the available literature on treatments and outcomes for synovial sepsis in the horse and to identify areas suitable for a future systematic review…
D.G. O’Neill, A. Hendricks, J. A. Phillips, D.C. Brodbelt, D B. Church and A. Loeffler | Veterinary Record | March 2021
The aim of this retrospective cohort study was to evaluate the prevalence, risk factors and interventions for non-neoplastic anal sac disorders (ASDs) in dogs and to identify any breed associations for ASD…
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