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Month: June 2021


Vet examine rabbit in clinic

Pain in rabbits: a review for veterinary nurses [Part 1-3]

A. Malik | Veterinary Nursing Journal | March 2021
This three-part review article looks at the recognition and management of pain in rabbits…

Cavalier Charles Spaniel dog

Non-neoplastic anal sac disorders in UK dogs: Epidemiology and management aspects of a research-neglected syndrome

D.G. O’Neill, A. Hendricks, J. A. Phillips, D.C. Brodbelt, D B. Church and A. Loeffler | Veterinary Record | March 2021
The aim of this retrospective cohort study was to evaluate the prevalence, risk factors and interventions for non-neoplastic anal sac disorders (ASDs) in dogs and to identify any breed associations for ASD…

Vet examine dog eye

Melting corneal ulcers (keratomalacia) in dogs: A 5-year clinical and microbiological study (2014–2018)

A. Tsvetanova, R. M. Powell, K. A. Tsvetanov, K. M. Smith and D. J. Gould | Veterinary Ophthalmology | April 2021
The aim of this retrospective study was to identify bacterial microorganisms associated with melting corneal ulcers (keratomalacia) in dogs and to investigate their prevalence, antimicrobial sensitivity, and clinical outcomes…

Vet examine horse hoof

Translating research into practice: Adoption of endocrine diagnostic testing in cases of equine laminitis

J.L. Ireland and C.M. McGowan | The Veterinary Journal | March 2021
The aims of this two-part study were, firstly, to investigate current veterinary surgeons’ diagnostic approaches to laminitis and to explore whether these had changed since graduation and, secondly, to determine how the diagnosis of an underlying endocrine disease influenced laminitis case management and outcome…

Vet choosing medication

A randomised controlled trial to reduce highest priority critically important antimicrobial prescription in companion animals

D.A. Singleton, A. Rayner, B. Brant, S. Smyth, P.J. Noble, A.D. Radford and G.L. Pinchbeck | Nature Communications | March 2021
This randomised controlled trial aimed to test the hypothesis that social norm messaging, via integrated electronic health record (EHR), antimicrobial prescription benchmarking and in-practice educational support, would reduce highest priority critically important antimicrobial (HPCIA) prescription frequency and antimicrobial prescription frequency in general, in a cohort of above average HPCIA-prescribing practices…

Blood packs

2021 ISFM Consensus Guidelines on the Collection and Administration of Blood and Blood Products in Cats

S. Taylor, E. Spada, M.B. Callan, R. Korman, E. Leister, P. Steagall, R. Lobetti, M. Seth and S. Tasker | Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery | April 2021
These consensus guidelines aimed to provide information for practitioners on blood transfusion in cats…