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Month: February 2022


Uncovering the ‘messy details’ of veterinary communication: An analysis of communication problems in cases of alleged professional negligence

E. Russell, L. Mossop, E. Forbes and C. Oxtoby | Veterinary Record | November 2021
The aim of this study was to explore the role communication plays in claims alleging veterinary professional negligence…

A scoping review of the current evidence on treatment and outcomes following synovial sepsis

T.C. de Souza, J.M. Suthers, E. Busschers, J.H. Burford and S.L. Freeman | Equine Veterinary Journal | October 2021
The aim of this scoping review was to identify and evaluate the available literature on treatments and outcomes for synovial sepsis in the horse and to identify areas suitable for a future systematic review…

2022 ISFM consensus guidelines on the management of acute pain in cats

P.V. Steagall, S. Robertson, B. Simon, L.N. Warne, Y. Shilo-Benjamini and S. Taylor | Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery | December 2021
These consensus guidelines are intended for general practitioners to assist in the assessment, prevention, and management of acute pain in cats, and to provide a practical guide to the selection and use of effective analgesic agents…

Retrospective study of the prevalence of factors contributing to successful standing at first attempt in horses recovering from general anesthesia

C. de Miguel Garcia, L. Campoy, S.A. Parry, M. Martin-Flores and R.D. Gleed | Veterinary Anaesthesia and Analgesia | November 2021
The aim of this retrospective study was to identify factors associated with successful or unsuccessful attempts to stand in horses following general anaesthesia…

Veterinarian doctor examining the leg of a cat

Frunevetmab, a felinized anti-nerve growth factor monoclonal antibody, for the treatment of pain from osteoarthritis in cats

M.E. Gruen, J.A.E. Myers, J-K.S. Tena, C. Becskei, D.M. Cleaver and B.D.X. Lascelles | Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine | November/December 2021
The aim of this randomised, placebo-controlled, double-blind study was to evaluate the efficacy of frunevetmab, a felinized anti-nerve growth factor monoclonal antibody in cats with naturally occurring osteoarthritic (OA) pain…

Feline blood pressure measurement: when is it needed?

S.Caney | Companion Animal | December 2021
This clinical review article provides a clear overview of systemic hypertension and blood pressure measurement in the cat…

Efficacy and safety of enflicoxib for treatment of canine osteoarthritis

| Veterinary Record | 2021 | The objective of this prospective randomised controlled trial was to confirm the safety and efficacy of enflicoxib for the treatment of naturally occurring osteoarthritis (OA) in dogs …