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Category: Small Animals


Kitten on weighing scale in veterinary clinic

Comparison of growth in neutered Domestic Shorthair kittens with growth in sexually-intact cats

Salt, C., Butterwick, R.F., Henzel, K.S. and German, A.J. | PLOS One | March 2023
This aim of this study was to compare the growth patterns of healthy kittens, neutered during growth, with growth standards created for sexually-intact kittens…

dogs lying in a field

Vasectomy and ovary-sparing spay in dogs: comparison of health and behavior outcomes with gonadectomized and sexually intact dogs

Zink, C., Delgado, M. M. and Stella, J. L. | Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association | January 2023
The aim of this online survey study was to compare the health and behaviour outcomes for dogs that underwent vasectomy, or ovary-sparing spay (hysterectomy) with sexually intact dogs or dogs that had undergone traditional castration or spay…

vet talking to dog owner

Broadening the veterinary consultation: Dog owners want to talk about more than physical health

Hale, H., Blackwell, E., Roberts, C., Roe, E. and Mullan, S. | Animals | January 2023
The aim of this mixed methods study was to investigate dogs owners’ experience and attitudes towards discussing topics relating to canine health and well-being with a veterinary professional, whether they had experienced the use of a formal assessment tool and if so whether they found the experience useful…

puppies feeding from mother

Applying clinical audit for quality improvement in canine dystocia cases seen at a UK primary-care emergency practice

Leicester, L, Reid, A, Gilbert, S, Marshall, R. and O’Neill, DG. | Veterinary Record | January 2023
The aim of this study was to report the opportunities and challenges associated with designing and implementing a clinical audit as part of a quality Improvement (QI) project in primary care emergency practice…

Cats and dog eating together

The impact of vegan diets on indicators of health in dogs and cats: A systematic review

Domínguez-Oliva, A., Mota-Rojas, D., Semendric, I. and Whittaker, A.L. | Veterinary Sciences | January 2023
The purpose of this systematic review was to formally assess the published evidence relating to the health impact of feeding vegan diets to dogs and cats…

Dog scratching_2

A randomised controlled trial testing the rebound-preventing benefit of four days of prednisolone during the induction of oclacitinib therapy in dogs with atopic dermatitis

Olivry, T., Lokianskiene, V., Blanco, A., Mestre, P.D., Bergvall,K. and Beco, L. | Veterinary Dermatology | November 2022
The aim of this randomised controlled trial was to determine whether an initial four-day course of prednisolone at the start of oclacitinib therapy, would reduce pruritus rebound in dogs, one week after decreasing the frequency of oclacitinib administration…

cat inside of pet carrier at the veterinarian

Happy cats: stress in cats and their carers associated with outpatient visits to the clinic

Caney, S.M., Robinson, N.J., Gunn-Moore, D.A. and Dean, R.S. | Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery | November 2022
The aim of this survey study was to explore owners’ experiences of stress, both for themselves and their cat, during visits to the veterinary clinic, and to assess owners’ perceptions of the facilities and resources within the clinic to reduce stress in cats…

Puppy on a drip

Incidence and type of peripheral intravenous catheter complications documented in hospitalised dogs

Simpson, S.E. and Zersen, K.M. | Journal of Small Animal Practice | November 2022
The aim of this prospective, observational study was to report the incidence and type of peripheral intravenous catheter (PIVC) complications in dogs admitted to either the Intermediate Care Unit (IMCU) or the Critical Care Unit (CCU) at a veterinary teaching hospital…

Dog in veterinary clinic with an intravenous infusion

Outcomes of 434 dogs with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug toxicosis treated with fluid therapy, lipid emulsion, or therapeutic plasma exchange

Chalifoux, N.V., Butty, E.M., Mauro, K.D., Moyle, R.B., Ehrhardt, C.M., Robertson, J.B., Labato, M.A., Culler, C.A., Londoño,L.A., Vigani, A., Ueda, Y., Suter, S.E. and Lynch, A.M. | Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine | December 2022
The primary objective aim of this multicentre retrospective study was to compare outcome of dogs treated with intravenous administration of fluids (IVF) therapy alone or in combination with lipid emulsion (ILE), therapeutic plasma exchange (TPE), or ILE and TPE for the treatment of carprofen, ibuprofen, and naproxen intoxications…

French Bulldog

Health and welfare of Brachycephalic dogs

Published 16 February 2023 | Updated 13 August 2024
The health and welfare of brachycephalic breeds is an ongoing cause for concern. Despite this they continue to enjoy high popularity as pets, leading to increasing number of these animals being presented to veterinary practice, and compounding of the issues because of the increase in breeding to meet demand…