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Tag: analgesia

Veterinary care of rabbits

Published 14 November 2022 | Updated 24 January 2025
The purpose of this collection is to bring together a selection of the most relevant published evidence and resources relating to the veterinary care of rabbits with the aim of improving the care that we can provide to this species in practice…

2022 ISFM consensus guidelines on the management of acute pain in cats

P.V. Steagall, S. Robertson, B. Simon, L.N. Warne, Y. Shilo-Benjamini and S. Taylor | Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery | December 2021
These consensus guidelines are intended for general practitioners to assist in the assessment, prevention, and management of acute pain in cats, and to provide a practical guide to the selection and use of effective analgesic agents…

Evaluation of prescribing practices for gabapentin as an analgesic among veterinary professionals

| Veterinary Anaesthesia and Analgesia | 2021 | This paper reports on the prescribing practices of GP and specialist vets relating to gabapentin as an analgesic …

Evaluation of prescribing practices for gabapentin as an analgesic among veterinary professionals

R. Reader, O. Olaitan and E. McCobb | Veterinary Anaesthesia and Analgesia | June 2021
This online survey study aimed to describe the prescribing practice for gabapentin as an analgesic among veterinary primary practitioners and specialists in multiple practice settings in the US and Canada…

BEVA primary care clinical guidelines: Analgesia

I.M. Bowen, A. Redpath, A. Dugdale, J.H. Burford, D. Lloyd, T. Watson and G.D. Hallowell | Equine Veterinary Journal | October 2019
The aim of these clinical guidelines is to provide recommendations on the use of analgesia in the horse in clinical practice. These guidelines are based on the most recent evidence combined with expert clinical opinion on the impact of analgesic choice on outcomes and adverse events…

Chronic pain in cats: Recent advances in clinical assessment

B.P. Monteiro and P.V. Steagall | Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery | July 2019
This review article considers the recent advances in the assessment of chronic pain in cats, discusses the continuing challenges and offers some thoughts on future perspectives…

cows on farm

Clinician attitudes to pain and use of analgesia in cattle: where are we 10 years on?

J.G. Remnant, A. Tremlett, J.N. Huxley and C.D. Hudson | Veterinary Record | October 2017
Painful conditions in cattle can arise as a result of disease or injury or due to veterinary or husbandry procedures. Prevention and avoidance of pain is important but, accepting that some level of disease is unavoidable and certain husbandry procedures are necessary, reducing pain is an important aspect of farm animal welfare…

Dental check of teeth yellow labrador retriever

Dental anaesthesia and analgesia of the dog and cat

H. Benney | The Veterinary Nurse | July 2017
Dental surgery is a common procedure in veterinary practice requiring careful consideration of patient monitoring and airway protection. This review article looks at the dental patient through all stages of anaesthesia…