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Category: Open Access


Randomised clinical trial showing the curative effect of bandaging on M2-stage lesions of digital dermatitis in dairy cows

M. Klawitter1, D. Döpfer, T.B. Braden, E. Amene and K.E. Mueller | Veterinary Record Open | May 2019
The aim of this randomised control study was to evaluate the effect of bandaging on the healing of digital dermatitis (DD) in dairy cows following topical antibiotic and non-antibiotic treatment…

Caudal cervical vertebral morphological variation is not associated with clinical signs in Warmblood horses

S. Veraa, K. de Graaf, I.D. Wijnberg, W. Back, H. Vernooij, M. Nielen and A.J. M. Belt | Equine Veterinary Journal | June 2019
The aims of this retrospective case-control study were to compare the frequency of morphologic variation in cervical vertebrae of adult Warmblood horses with and without clinical signs related to the neck, and to determine if there is an association between morphologic variation at cervical vertebrae C6 and C7 and clinical signs…

ACVIM consensus statement on the treatment of immune‐mediated hemolytic anemia in dogs

J.W. Swann, O.A. Garden, C.L. Fellman, B. Glanemann, R. Goggs, D.N. LeVine, A.J. Mackin and N.T. Whitley | Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine | May/June 2019
The aim of this consensus statement was to give recommendations for the treatment of immune‐mediated haemolytic anemia (IMHA) in dogs…

ACVIM consensus statement on the diagnosis and treatment of chronic hepatitis in dogs

C.R.L. Webster, S.A. Center, J.M. Cullen, D.G. Penninck, K.P. Richter, D.C. Twedt and P.J. Watson | Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine | May/June 2019
This consensus statement on the diagnosis and treatment of chronic hepatitis (CH) in dogs is based on the expert opinion of seven specialists, a review of the veterinary literature and selective use of literature on CH in humans…

horse closeup

Trigeminal-mediated headshaking in horses: prevalence, impact, and management strategies

V. Roberts | Veterinary Medicine: Research and Reports | January 2019
This review article considers the literature on trigeminal-mediated headshaking, focusing on what is known, and not known, about the prevalence of the condition and its impact…

newborn puppies breed jack russel terrier sleeping

Canine dystocia in 50 UK first-opinion emergency care veterinary practices: clinical management and outcomes

D.G. O’Neill, A.M. O’Sullivan, E.A Manson, D.B. Church, P.D. McGreevy, A.K. Boag and D.C. Brodbelt | Veterinary Record | February 2019
The aim of this study was to explore the clinical management and outcomes of canine dystocia, with particular focus on caesarean section (CS), in an emergency care population…

Syringe with glass vials and medications pills

Storage of prescription veterinary medicines on UK dairy farms: a cross-sectional study

G.M. Rees, D.C. Barrett, H. Buller, H.L. Mills and K.K. Reyher | Veterinary Record | January 2019
The aim of this cross-sectional study was to report on the quantity, composition and storage of prescription veterinary medicines (PVMs) on UK dairy farms…

The influence of hay steaming on clinical signs and airway immune response in severe asthmatic horses

M. Orard, E. Hue, A. Couroucé, C. Bizon-Mercier, M.P. Toquet, M. Moore-Colyer, L. Couëtil, S. Pronost, R. Paillot, M. Demoor and E.A. Richard | BMC Veterinary Research | November 2018
This study aimed to determine the clinical, cytological and cytokine respiratory responses of horses affected with severe equine asthma (sEA) (previously known as recurrent airway obstruction) to steamed or dry hay…

Influence of dietary restriction and low‐intensity exercise on weight loss and insulin sensitivity in obese equids

N.J. Bamford, S.J. Potter Courtnay, L. Baskerville, P.A. Harris and S.R. Bailey | Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine | December 2018
This study aimed to evaluate the effect adding a low-intensity exercise programme to dietary restriction has on insulin sensitivity and plasma adipokine concentrations in obese horses and ponies…

horses' feet

Conservative versus surgical treatment of 21 sports horses with osseous trauma in the proximal phalangeal sagittal groove diagnosed by low-field MRI

G. Lipreri, B.M. Bladon, M.E. Giorio and E.R. Singer | Veterinary Surgery | September 2018
This retrospective case series study aimed to determine whether conservative or surgical treatment was the best treatment option for sports horses diagnosed with lameness caused by osseous trauma within the subchondral bone of the sagittal groove of the proximal phalanx diagnosed by low-field MRI…