Summaries by Category
- Challenges for the veterinary profession: A grounded theory study of veterinarians’ experiences of caring for older horses
- The impact of restricted grazing systems on the behaviour and welfare of ponies
- Retrospective study: Laser excision versus combined laser, cryosurgery and intralesional 5-fluorouracil in the treatment of equine sarcoids
- Multicenter study investigating long-term survival after synovial lavage of contaminated and septic synovial structures in horses presented to 10 UK referral hospitals
- Comparison of inhaled salbutamol and salmeterol for the treatment of arterial hypoxaemia in anaesthetized horses: a randomized clinical trial
- Welfare considerations for management of horses on prolonged periods of box rest
- Success rates and factors influencing pregnancy outcome after 464 transvaginal ultrasound-guided twin reductions in the mare
- Review of the role of biofilms in equine wounds: Clinical indications and treatment strategies
- BEVA primary care clinical guidelines: Diagnosis and management of equine pituitary pars intermedia dysfunction
- A novel tension relief technique to aid the primary closure of traumatic equine wounds under excessive tension
- Use of human behaviour change models to investigate horse owner intention to adopt emergency colic recommendations
- Equine allergic skin diseases: Clinical consensus guidelines of the World Association for Veterinary Dermatology
- Treatment of equine sarcoids: A systematic review
- Systematic review of the association between intrasynovial corticosteroid use and laminitis—What is the evidence?
- Exploring human behavior change in equine welfare: Insights from a COM-B analysis of the UK’s equine obesity epidemic
- Use of antimicrobials licensed for systemic administration in UK equine practice
- Antimicrobial prescribing and antimicrobial resistance surveillance in equine practice
- Expert visual assessment strategies for equine lameness examinations in a straight line and circle: A mixed methods study using eye tracking
- Risk factors for a first episode of primary uveitis in the UK and proportion of cases that experience recurrence following this first episode
- Antimicrobial resistance in clinical bacterial isolates from horses in the UK.
- A scoping review of the current evidence on treatment and outcomes following synovial sepsis
- Retrospective study of the prevalence of factors contributing to successful standing at first attempt in horses recovering from general anesthesia
- Difficult horses – prevalence, approaches to management of and understanding of how they develop by equine veterinarians
- Equine influenza vaccination in the UK: Current practices may leave horses with suboptimal immunity
- Factors that cause bandage complications in equines and how they can be resolved
- Translating research into practice: Adoption of endocrine diagnostic testing in cases of equine laminitis
- Antibiotic use guidelines
- Reducing antibiotic usage
- Owner attitudes to antimicrobial resistance, usage and stewardship
- Antibiotic prescription – description and drivers
- Antimicrobial resistance – a One Health problem: Human health
- Antimicrobial resistance – a One Health problem: Environmental health
- Antimicrobial resistance – a One Health problem
- Responsible use of antibiotics in veterinary practice: Introduction
- Antibiotic usage in veterinary practice
- Systemic detectability of dexamethasone and prednisolone after eye drop application in horses
- A review of normal radiographical variants commonly mistaken for pathological findings in horses
- Exploring horse owners’ understanding of obese body condition and weight management in UK leisure horses
- Investigation of the Shedding of Selected Respiratory Pathogens in Healthy Horses Presented for Routine Dental Care
- Changing policy to treat foals with Rhodococcus equi pneumonia in the later course of disease decreases antimicrobial usage without increasing mortality rate
- BEVA primary care clinical guidelines: Wound management in the horse
- Comparison of the colic incidence in a horse population with or without inclusion of germinated barley in the diet
- Annual booster vaccination and the risk of equine influenza to Thoroughbred racehorses
- Horse owners’ knowledge, and opinions on recognising colic in the horse
- Prevalence of and risk factors for acute laminitis in horses treated with corticosteroids
- Equine cheek tooth extraction: comparison of outcomes for five extraction methods
- Caudal cervical vertebral morphological variation is not associated with clinical signs in Warmblood horses
- Misoprostol is superior to combined omeprazole‐sucralfate for the treatment of equine gastric glandular disease
- Field testing two animal-specific non-contact thermometers on healthy horses
- Trigeminal-mediated headshaking in horses: prevalence, impact, and management strategies
- The influence of hay steaming on clinical signs and airway immune response in severe asthmatic horses
- Influence of dietary restriction and low‐intensity exercise on weight loss and insulin sensitivity in obese equids
- Conservative versus surgical treatment of 21 sports horses with osseous trauma in the proximal phalangeal sagittal groove diagnosed by low-field MRI
- Clinical and intestinal histologic features of horses treated for recurrent colic: 66 cases (2006–2015)
- Use of a saliva-based diagnostic test to identify tapeworm infection in horses in the UK
- Computed tomographic contrast tenography of the digital flexor tendon sheath of the equine hindlimb
- Incidence and risk factors of surgical site infection and septic arthritis after elective arthroscopy in horses
- Nonstrangulating intestinal infarctions associated with Strongylus vulgaris: Clinical presentation and treatment outcomes of 30 horses (2008–2016)
- Evaluation of the use of midazolam as a co-induction agent with ketamine for anaesthesia in sedated ponies undergoing field castration
- Burrowing for answers: Investigating Syrian hamster welfare through owner surveys
- Incidental osteoarthritis: risk factors, prevalence and clinical evidence in rabbits
- Veterinary care of rabbits: Miscellaneous – Ears
- Veterinary care of rabbits: Miscellaneous – Dermatology
- Veterinary care of rabbits: Miscellaneous – Musculo-skeletal
- Veterinary care of rabbits: Miscellaneous – Gastro-intestinal / abdominal
- Veterinary care of rabbits: miscellaneous – eyes / ophthalmology
- Bristol Rabbit Pain Scale (BRPS): clinical utility, validity and reliability
- Antibiotic prescription – description and drivers: Exotics
- Pain in rabbits: a review for veterinary nurses [Part 1-3]
- Farm animal: Fish
- Antibiotic use guidelines
- Reducing antibiotic usage
- Owner attitudes to antimicrobial resistance, usage and stewardship
- Owner attitudes to antimicrobial resistance usage and stewardship: Pet owners
- Antibiotic prescription – description and drivers
- Antimicrobial resistance – a One Health problem: Human health
- Antimicrobial resistance – a One Health problem: Environmental health
- Antimicrobial resistance – a One Health problem
- Responsible use of antibiotics in veterinary practice: Introduction
- Antibiotic usage in veterinary practice
- Seasonality and risk factors for myxomatosis in pet rabbits in Great Britain
- Rabbit welfare: determining priority welfare issues for pet rabbits using a modified Delphi method
- Managing pain in common end-of-life conditions
- Veterinarian nominated common conditions of rabbits and guinea pigs compared with published literature
- Principles of triage and first aid in wildlife casualties
Farm Animals
- Outcomes of 584 cattle caesarean sections performed in a UK first opinion practice
- A cross-sectional survey of farmer reported prevalence and farm management practices associated with neonatal infectious arthritis (“joint ill”) in lambs, on UK sheep farms
- Environmental sustainability and ruminant production: A UK veterinary perspective
- Validation of a reference interval for symmetric dimethylarginine in healthy goats and its comparison to values in goats with obstructive urolithiasis
- Challenges for the management of Johne’s disease in the UK: Expectation management, space, ‘free riding’, and vet-farmer communication
- Invited review: Prevalence, risk factors, treatment, and barriers to best practice adoption for lameness and injuries in dairy cattle
- A prospective cohort study examining the association of claw anatomy and sole temperature with the development of claw horn disruption lesions in dairy cattle
- The cotton swab method: an accurate and less invasive way to assess fecal consistency in weaned pigs
- Survey of current UK alpaca husbandry practices: Vaccination, treatment and supplementation
- Sensitivity and specificity of mobility scoring for the detection of foot lesions in pasture based Irish dairy cows
- Comparison of clinical cure rates from footrot and contagious ovine digital dermatitis using zinc sulphate foot bathing and topical oxytetracycline: A randomised trial
- Comparison of environment quality measurements between 3 types of calf housing in the United Kingdom
- A single-cohort retrospective analysis of factors associated with morbidity and mortality in 193 anesthetized domestic goats
- Selective treatment of nonsevere clinical mastitis does not adversely affect cure, somatic cell count, milk yield, recurrence, or culling: A systematic review and meta-analysis
- A survey of sheep and/or cattle farmers in the UK shows confusion over the diagnosis and control of rumen fluke and liver fluke
- Defining the Effect of Oxytocin Use in Farrowing Sows on Stillbirth Rate: A Systematic Review with a Meta-Analysis
- To scan or not to scan? The economics of transthoracic ultrasonography for ‘whole-flock’ ovine pulmonary adenocarcinoma screening in UK sheep flocks
- Effects of routine treatment with nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs at calving and when lame on the future probability of lameness and culling in dairy cows: A randomized controlled trial
- Cattle farmer psychosocial profiles and their association with control strategies for bovine viral diarrhoea
- Prospective cohort study of the association between early lactation mastitis and the presence of sole ulcers in dairy cows
- Evaluation of the use of ketoprofen for the treatment of digital dermatitis in dairy cattle: A randomised, positive controlled, clinical trial
- Randomized controlled field trial comparing quarter and cow level selective dry cow treatment using the California Mastitis Test
- Impact of research on contagious ovine digital dermatitis on the knowledge and practices of UK sheep farmers and veterinarians
- From the other perspective: Behavioural factors associated with UK sheep farmers’ attitudes towards antibiotic use and antibiotic resistance
- Guidelines and recommendations: Farm animal
- Farm animal: Cattle
- Farm animal: Pigs
- Farm animal: Poultry
- Antibiotic use guidelines
- Reducing antibiotic usage
- Owner attitudes to antimicrobial resistance, usage and stewardship
- Owner attitudes to antimicrobial resistance usage and stewardship: Farmers
- Antibiotic prescription – description and drivers
- Antibiotic prescription – description and drivers: Farm animal
- Antimicrobial resistance – a One Health problem: Human health
- Antimicrobial resistance – a One Health problem: Environmental health
- Antimicrobial resistance – a One Health problem
- Responsible use of antibiotics in veterinary practice: Introduction
- Antibiotic usage in veterinary practice
- Antimicrobial & antiparasitic use and resistance in British sheep and cattle: a systematic review
- Implementation of a targeted mastitis therapy concept using an on-farm rapid test: antimicrobial consumption, cure rates and compliance
- Survival of bovine digital dermatitis treponemes on hoof knife blades and the effects of various disinfectants
- Increase in the flock prevalence of lameness in ewes is associated with a reduction in farmers using evidence-based management of prompt treatment: A longitudinal observational study of 154 English sheep flocks 2013–2015
- Association of lameness and mastitis with return-to-service oestrus detection in the dairy cow
- Do UK sheep farmers use orf vaccine correctly and could their vaccination strategy affect vaccine efficacy?
- Randomised clinical trial showing the curative effect of bandaging on M2-stage lesions of digital dermatitis in dairy cows
- Storage of prescription veterinary medicines on UK dairy farms: a cross-sectional study
- A practical approach to dealing with contagious ovine digital dermatitis (CODD) on farms
- Associations between dairy cow inter-service interval and probability of conception
- Lack of efficacy of monepantel against trichostrongyle nematodes in a UK sheep flock
- Ceasing the use of the highest priority critically important antimicrobials does not adversely affect production, health or welfare parameters on dairy cows
- The impact of early life nutrition and housing on growth and reproduction in dairy cattle
- Comparative effectiveness of individualised homeopathy and antibiotics in the treatment of bovine clinical mastitis: randomised controlled trial
- Risk of iatrogenic damage to the sciatic nerve in dairy cattle
- Clinician attitudes to pain and use of analgesia in cattle: where are we 10 years on?
- Field study on the safety and efficacy of intradermal versus intramuscular vaccination against Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae
- Randomised positive control trial of NSAID and antimicrobial treatment for calf fever caused by pneumonia
- Antimicrobial drug use in food-producing animals and associated human health risks: what, and how strong, is the evidence?
Practice Management
- Impact of storage on sterility of surgical instruments in autoclave bags
- Accuracy of drawing up liquid medications by veterinary anaesthetists and nurses
- Veterinarians’ experiences of treating cases of animal abuse: An online questionnaire study
- ‘We’re gonna end up scared to do anything’: A qualitative exploration of how client complaints are experienced by UK veterinary practitioners
- UK veterinary professionals’ perceptions and experiences of adverse drug reaction reporting
- Uncovering the ‘messy details’ of veterinary communication: An analysis of communication problems in cases of alleged professional negligence
- Staphylococcal bacterial contamination of portable electronic devices in a large veterinary hospital
- Role of the consent form in UK veterinary practice
- Staff attitudes to and compliance with the use of a surgical safety checklist
- Scrubs contamination, domestic laundry effect and workwear habits of clinical staff at a referral hospital
- Fluorescent tagging for environmental surface cleaning surveillance in a veterinary hospital
- Early warning scores in the NHS: could they support early detection of deteriorating veterinary patients?
- Introducing the Ward Phlebitis Scoring Chart 2018: A reflective and personal practical review and approach
- ‘Care about my animal, know your stuff and take me seriously’: United Kingdom and Australian clients’ views on the capabilities most important in their veterinarians
- Using checklists in veterinary nursing: what can human healthcare teach us?
- Hospital-acquired infections in the veterinary establishment
- When is it safe to report abuse?
- Safety culture: the Nottingham Veterinary Safety Culture Survey (NVSCS)
- Review of hazards to female reproductive health in veterinary practice
Small Animals
- The association between gonadectomy and timing of gonadectomy, and the risk of canine cranial cruciate ligament disease: A systematic review and meta-analysis
- Efficacy and safety of a diet enriched with EPA and DHA, turmeric extract and hydrolysed collagen in management of naturally occurring osteoarthritis in cats: A prospective, randomised, blinded, placebo- and time-controlled study
- Efficacy of a pheromone-impregnated collar in controlling feline problem behaviors, and an assessment of adverse events associated with collar use
- Perioperative anaesthetic complications in healthy cats undergoing anaesthesia for neutering in first opinion practice
- Peripheral warming for prevention of hypothermia in small dogs during soft tissue surgery: A randomized controlled trial
- Effect of neutering timing in relation to puberty on health in the female dog–a scoping review
- A prospective study evaluating the adhesive tape impression for the diagnosis of dermatophytosis in dogs and cats
- Value of repeated health screening in 259 apparently healthy mature adult and senior cats followed for 2 years
- Effect of limb and cuff positioning on measurement of arterial blood pressure with an oscillometry device (PetMAP) in anaesthetized cats
- Complication rates associated with nasoesophageal versus nasogastric feeding tube placement in dogs and cats: a randomised controlled trial
- Prevalence and risk factors for gingivitis in a cohort of UK companion cats aged up to 6 years
- Frequency of diabetic remission, predictors of remission and survival in cats using a low-cost, moderate-intensity, home-monitoring protocol and twice-daily glargine
- Smaller-gauge catheters and greater body weights are associated with increased risk of peripheral intravenous catheter complications in cats hospitalized in the critical care unit
- Cat and dog owners’ expectations and attitudes towards advanced veterinary care (AVC) in the UK, Austria and Denmark
- 2024 ISFM and AAFP consensus guidelines on the long-term use of NSAIDs in cats
- ACVIM consensus statement on diagnosis and management of urinary incontinence in dogs
- Down-the-drain pathways for fipronil and imidacloprid applied as spot-on parasiticides to dogs: Estimating aquatic pollution
- Efficacy and tolerance of oral versus parenteral cyanocobalamin supplement in hypocobalaminaemic dogs with chronic enteropathy: a controlled randomised open-label trial
- Anaesthetic mortality in dogs: A worldwide analysis and risk assessment
- Effect of therapeutic exercise on body weight distribution, balance, and stifle function in dogs following stifle injury
- 2023 AAHA Management of Allergic Skin Diseases in Dogs and Cats Guidelines
- Urine concentrating ability in cats with hyperthyroidism: Influence of radioiodine treatment, masked azotemia, and iatrogenic hypothyroidism
- Determination of a safe sedative combination of dexmedetomidine, ketamine and butorphanol for minor procedures in dogs by use of a stepwise optimization method
- The emergence of Brucella canis as a public health threat in Europe: what we know, and what we need to learn
- 2023 AAFP/IAAHPC feline hospice and palliative care guidelines
- Cooling methods used to manage heat-related illness in dogs presented to primary care veterinary practices during 2016–2018 in the UK
- Long-term follow-up of cats in complete remission after treatment of feline infectious peritonitis with oral GS-441524
- Comparison of 4 point-of-care techniques to detect correct positioning of nasogastric tubes in dogs (2020–2021)
- Understanding the barriers to blood pressure assessment in cats
- COAST Development Group’s international consensus guidelines for the treatment of canine osteoarthritis
- Partial weight reduction protocols in cats lead to better weight outcomes, compared with complete protocols, in cats with obesity
- Evaluation of primary wound healing and potential complications after perioperative infiltration with lidocaine without adrenaline in surgical incisions in dogs and cats
- Epidemiology of mammary tumours in bitches under veterinary care in the UK in 2016
- Commonly diagnosed disorders in domestic cats in the UK and their associations with sex and age
- Postoperative complications and antibiotic use in dogs with pyometra: a retrospective review of 140 cases (2019)
- “Just old age” – a qualitative investigation of owner and veterinary professional experiences of and attitudes to ageing in dogs in the UK
- Comparison of growth in neutered Domestic Shorthair kittens with growth in sexually-intact cats
- Vasectomy and ovary-sparing spay in dogs: comparison of health and behavior outcomes with gonadectomized and sexually intact dogs
- Broadening the veterinary consultation: Dog owners want to talk about more than physical health
- Applying clinical audit for quality improvement in canine dystocia cases seen at a UK primary-care emergency practice
- The impact of vegan diets on indicators of health in dogs and cats: A systematic review
- A randomised controlled trial testing the rebound-preventing benefit of four days of prednisolone during the induction of oclacitinib therapy in dogs with atopic dermatitis
- Happy cats: stress in cats and their carers associated with outpatient visits to the clinic
- Incidence and type of peripheral intravenous catheter complications documented in hospitalised dogs
- Outcomes of 434 dogs with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug toxicosis treated with fluid therapy, lipid emulsion, or therapeutic plasma exchange
- Health and welfare of Brachycephalic dogs
- Prevalence and clinical significance of heart murmurs detected on cardiac auscultation in 856 cats
- ACVIM consensus statement on diagnosis and management of acute canine thoracolumbar intervertebral disc extrusion
- Comparison of the sedative effects of intranasal or intramuscular dexmedetomidine at low doses in healthy dogs: a randomized clinical trial
- 2022 ISFM Consensus Guidelines on Management of the Inappetent Hospitalised Cat
- Mortality related to general anaesthesia and sedation in dogs under UK primary veterinary care
- Comparison of diet, lactulose, and metronidazole combinations in the control of pre‐surgical clinical signs in dogs with congenital extrahepatic portosystemic shunts
- Clinical and clinicopathological characteristics, treatment, and outcome for dogs and cats with confirmed foxtail foreign body lesions: 791 cases (2009–2018)
- Ageing in cats: owner observations and clinical finding in 206 mature cats at enrolment to the Cat Prospective Ageing and Welfare Study
- 2022 AAHA Pain Management Guidelines for Dogs and Cats
- Online survey of owners’ experiences of medicating their cats at home
- Type and impact of clinical incidents identified by a voluntary reporting system covering 130 small animal practices in mainland Europe
- Determining an optimum propofol infusion rate for induction of anaesthesia in healthy dogs: a randomized clinical trial
- Outcomes of dogs undergoing surgery for gastric dilatation volvulus after rapid versus prolonged medical stabilization
- Effect of an antimicrobial stewardship intervention on the prescribing behaviours of companion animal veterinarians: A pre–post study
- Incidence of and risk factors for surgical site infection following canine limb amputation
- 2022 ISFM consensus guidelines on the management of acute pain in cats
- Frunevetmab, a felinized anti-nerve growth factor monoclonal antibody, for the treatment of pain from osteoarthritis in cats
- Feline blood pressure measurement: when is it needed?
- Efficacy and safety of enflicoxib for treatment of canine osteoarthritis: A 6-week randomised, controlled, blind, multicentre clinical trial
- Results of urinary bacterial cultures and antibiotic susceptibility testing of dogs and cats in the UK
- Using psychopharmacology in the treatment of problem behaviours in dogs and cats
- A prospective, randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blinded clinical trial comparing the incidence and severity of gastrointestinal adverse events in dogs with cancer treated with piroxicam alone or in combination with omeprazole or famotidine
- Outcomes of nine cats with urinary retention after sacrocaudal luxation managed with long-term urinary diversion
- Prediction of clinically important acquired cardiac disease without an echocardiogram in large breed dogs using a combination of clinical, radiographic and electrocardiographic variables
- A prospective, randomized, blinded, placebo-controlled multisite clinical study of bedinvetmab , a canine monoclonal antibody targeting nerve growth factor, in dogs with osteoarthritis
- Laboratory safety evaluation of bedinvetmab, a canine anti-nerve growth factor monoclonal antibody, in dogs
- Efficacy and safety of an anti-nerve growth factor antibody (Frunevetmab) for the treatment of degenerative joint disease-associated chronic pain in cats: A multisite pilot field study
- Evaluation of prescribing practices for gabapentin as an analgesic among veterinary professionals
- A cross-sectional survey of UK veterinary practices to determine prevalence of patient stress-reducing and welfare-enhancing approaches believed to be undertaken in companion animal practice
- 2021 AAFP Feline Senior Care Guidelines
- Evaluation of Pexion® (imepitoin) for treatment of storm anxiety in dogs: A randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial
- Non-neoplastic anal sac disorders in UK dogs: Epidemiology and management aspects of a research-neglected syndrome
- Melting corneal ulcers (keratomalacia) in dogs: A 5-year clinical and microbiological study (2014–2018)
- A randomised controlled trial to reduce highest priority critically important antimicrobial prescription in companion animals
- 2021 ISFM Consensus Guidelines on the Collection and Administration of Blood and Blood Products in Cats
- Guidelines and recommendations: Companion animals
- Antibiotic use guidelines
- Reducing antibiotic usage
- Owner attitudes to antimicrobial resistance, usage and stewardship
- Owner attitudes to antimicrobial resistance usage and stewardship: Pet owners
- Antibiotic prescription – description and drivers
- Antibiotic prescription – description and drivers: Companion animal
- Antimicrobial resistance – a One Health problem: Human health
- Antimicrobial resistance – a One Health problem: Environmental health
- Antimicrobial resistance – a One Health problem
- Responsible use of antibiotics in veterinary practice: Introduction
- Antibiotic usage in veterinary practice
- Treatment of the feline atopic syndrome – a systematic review
- Pet owners’ and veterinarians’ perceptions of information exchange and clinical decision-making in companion animal practice
- 2021 AAHA/AAFP Feline Life Stage Guidelines
- Ocular fundus abnormalities in cats affected by systemic hypertension: Prevalence, characterization, and outcome of treatment
- ACVIM consensus statement on pancreatitis in cats
- Comparison between a flash glucose monitoring system and a portable blood glucose meter for monitoring dogs with diabetes mellitus
- Efficacy of telmisartan for the treatment of persistent renal proteinuria in dogs: A double‐masked, randomized clinical trial
- Renal patients: IRIS scores, nursing care plans and care bundles
- Potential role of veterinary flea products in widespread pesticide contamination of English rivers
- Feline tuberculosis caused by Mycobacterium bovis infection of domestic UK cats associated with feeding a commercial raw food diet
- The utility of combined urine dipstick analysis and specific gravity measurement to determine feline proteinuria
- Benefits and risks of neutering pets – what is the evidence
- Assisting Decision-Making on Age of Neutering for 35 Breeds of Dogs: Associated Joint Disorders, Cancers, and Urinary Incontinence
- Prevalence and characterization of hypoadrenocorticism in dogs with signs of chronic gastrointestinal disease: a multicenter study
- Cats vs. Dogs: The Efficacy of Feliway FriendsTM and AdaptilTM Products in Multispecies Homes
- Efficacy of oral torasemide in dogs with degenerative mitral valve disease and new onset congestive heart failure: The CARPODIEM study
- Dogs don’t die just in hot cars–exertional heat-related illness (heatstroke) is a greater threat to UK dogs
- 2020 AAHA/AAFP Feline Vaccination Guidelines
- Retrospective study of the diagnostic utility of Spec fPL in the assessment of 274 sick cats
- Comparison of two topical treatments of gastro-oesophageal regurgitation in dogs during under general anaesthesia
- Use of reduced-energy content maintenance diets for modest weight reduction in overweight cats and dogs
- Dog owners’ perspectives on canine dental health-a questionnaire study in Sweden
- Development of a checklist for the detection of degenerative joint disease-associated pain in cats
- ACVIM consensus statement guidelines for the classification, diagnosis, and management of cardiomyopathies in cats
- Importing rescue dogs into the UK: reasons, methods and welfare considerations
- A prospective randomized, double‐blinded clinical study evaluating the efficacy and safety of bupivacaine versus morphine‐bupivacaine in caudal epidurals in cats with urethral obstruction
- Development of a clinical tool to aid endotracheal tube size selection in dogs
- Effect of subcutaneous closure technique on incisional complications and postoperative pain in cats undergoing midline celiotomy: A randomized, blinded, controlled trial
- Associations between neutering and early‐onset urinary incontinence in UK bitches under primary veterinary care
- Spaying and urinary incontinence in bitches under UK primary veterinary care: a case–control study
- Behavioural differences in dogs with atopic dermatitis suggest stress could be a significant problem associated with chronic pruritus
- Brachycephalic anaesthesia, parts 1, 2 and 3
- Chronic pain in cats: Recent advances in clinical assessment
- Pregabalin for the treatment of syringomyelia-associated neuropathic pain in dogs: A randomised, placebo-controlled, double-masked clinical trial
- Age at gonadectomy and risk of overweight/obesity and orthopedic injury in a cohort of Golden Retrievers
- Exploring early life events including diet in cats presenting for gastrointestinal signs in later life
- Managing pain in common end-of-life conditions
- ACVIM consensus statement on the treatment of immune‐mediated hemolytic anemia in dogs
- International Society for Companion Animal Infectious Diseases (ISCAID) guidelines for the diagnosis and management of bacterial urinary tract infections in dogs and cats
- A comparison of the rates of postoperative complications between dogs undergoing laparoscopic and open ovariectomy
- ACVIM consensus statement on the diagnosis and treatment of chronic hepatitis in dogs
- A double‐blinded, randomized, methylprednisolone‐controlled study on the efficacy of oclacitinib in the management of pruritus in cats with nonflea nonfood‐induced hypersensitivity dermatitis
- Canine dystocia in 50 UK first-opinion emergency care veterinary practices: clinical management and outcomes
- Home monitoring of heart rate and heart rhythm with a smartphone-based ECG in dogs
- Prospective randomised blinded clinical trial assessing effectiveness of three dental plaque control methods in dogs
- Associations of body condition score with health conditions related to overweight and obesity in cats
- The clinical efficacy of EMLA cream for intravenous catheter placement in client-owned dogs
- Assessment of quality of life and chronic pain in dogs
- AAFP feline anesthesia guideline
- Recurrent seizures in cats: Treatment – which antiepileptic drugs are recommended?
- Evaluating the effect of metronidazole plus amoxicillin-clavulanate versus amoxicillin-clavulanate alone in canine haemorrhagic diarrhoea: a randomised controlled trial in primary care practice
- Minimising complications in soft tissue surgery — recent advances
- How ECG monitoring contributes to patient care
- Performance evaluation and validation of the animal trauma triage score and modified Glasgow Coma Scale with suggested category adjustment in dogs: A VetCOT registry study
- Drawing the line in clinical treatment of companion animals: recommendations from an ethics working party
- Fluid calculations: Keeping a balance
- Haemoplasmosis in cats: European guidelines from the ABCD on prevention and management
- Lipid emulsion in the management of poisoning
- Rapid assessment with physical examination in dyspnoeic cats: the RAPID CAT study
- Long-lived immunity to canine core vaccine antigens in UK dogs as assessed by an in-practice test kit
- Pain scoring systems for cats
- World Small Animal Veterinary Association Global Dental Guidelines
- Introduction of a sepsis bundle in the ICU and ER: a case-based discussion
- Three cases of imported eyeworm infection in dogs: a new threat for the United Kingdom
- Caregiver burden in owners of a sick companion animal: a cross-sectional observational study
- Dental anaesthesia and analgesia of the dog and cat
- Pre-pubertal feline neutering: the role of the veterinary nurse in owner education
- Patterns of antimicrobial agent prescription in a sentinel population of canine and feline veterinary practices in the United Kingdom
- Definitive Glasgow acute pain scale for cats: validation and intervention level
- Canine dystocia in 50 UK first-opinion emergency-care veterinary practices: prevalence and risk factors
- Recommendations for approaches to meticillin-resistant staphylococcal infections of small animals: diagnosis, therapeutic considerations and preventative measures. Clinical Consensus Guidelines of the World Association for Veterinary Dermatology
- ISFM consensus guidelines on the diagnosis and management of hypertension in cats
- How to place commonly used feeding tubes in dogs and cats
- How to manage wounds with excessive exudate
- Dexmedetomidine oromucosal gel for noise-associated acute anxiety and fear in dogs—a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical study
Summaries by Access
Open Access
- The association between gonadectomy and timing of gonadectomy, and the risk of canine cranial cruciate ligament disease: A systematic review and meta-analysis
- A cross-sectional survey of farmer reported prevalence and farm management practices associated with neonatal infectious arthritis (“joint ill”) in lambs, on UK sheep farms
- Challenges for the veterinary profession: A grounded theory study of veterinarians’ experiences of caring for older horses
- Efficacy and safety of a diet enriched with EPA and DHA, turmeric extract and hydrolysed collagen in management of naturally occurring osteoarthritis in cats: A prospective, randomised, blinded, placebo- and time-controlled study
- Efficacy of a pheromone-impregnated collar in controlling feline problem behaviors, and an assessment of adverse events associated with collar use
- The impact of restricted grazing systems on the behaviour and welfare of ponies
- Perioperative anaesthetic complications in healthy cats undergoing anaesthesia for neutering in first opinion practice
- Environmental sustainability and ruminant production: A UK veterinary perspective
- Effect of neutering timing in relation to puberty on health in the female dog–a scoping review
- Burrowing for answers: Investigating Syrian hamster welfare through owner surveys
- Validation of a reference interval for symmetric dimethylarginine in healthy goats and its comparison to values in goats with obstructive urolithiasis
- Challenges for the management of Johne’s disease in the UK: Expectation management, space, ‘free riding’, and vet-farmer communication
- Retrospective study: Laser excision versus combined laser, cryosurgery and intralesional 5-fluorouracil in the treatment of equine sarcoids
- Value of repeated health screening in 259 apparently healthy mature adult and senior cats followed for 2 years
- Multicenter study investigating long-term survival after synovial lavage of contaminated and septic synovial structures in horses presented to 10 UK referral hospitals
- Effect of limb and cuff positioning on measurement of arterial blood pressure with an oscillometry device (PetMAP) in anaesthetized cats
- Complication rates associated with nasoesophageal versus nasogastric feeding tube placement in dogs and cats: a randomised controlled trial
- Prevalence and risk factors for gingivitis in a cohort of UK companion cats aged up to 6 years
- Invited review: Prevalence, risk factors, treatment, and barriers to best practice adoption for lameness and injuries in dairy cattle
- Frequency of diabetic remission, predictors of remission and survival in cats using a low-cost, moderate-intensity, home-monitoring protocol and twice-daily glargine
- Smaller-gauge catheters and greater body weights are associated with increased risk of peripheral intravenous catheter complications in cats hospitalized in the critical care unit
- Welfare considerations for management of horses on prolonged periods of box rest
- A prospective cohort study examining the association of claw anatomy and sole temperature with the development of claw horn disruption lesions in dairy cattle
- Cat and dog owners’ expectations and attitudes towards advanced veterinary care (AVC) in the UK, Austria and Denmark
- 2024 ISFM and AAFP consensus guidelines on the long-term use of NSAIDs in cats
- Success rates and factors influencing pregnancy outcome after 464 transvaginal ultrasound-guided twin reductions in the mare
- ACVIM consensus statement on diagnosis and management of urinary incontinence in dogs
- Down-the-drain pathways for fipronil and imidacloprid applied as spot-on parasiticides to dogs: Estimating aquatic pollution
- Efficacy and tolerance of oral versus parenteral cyanocobalamin supplement in hypocobalaminaemic dogs with chronic enteropathy: a controlled randomised open-label trial
- The cotton swab method: an accurate and less invasive way to assess fecal consistency in weaned pigs
- Anaesthetic mortality in dogs: A worldwide analysis and risk assessment
- Survey of current UK alpaca husbandry practices: Vaccination, treatment and supplementation
- Review of the role of biofilms in equine wounds: Clinical indications and treatment strategies
- Sensitivity and specificity of mobility scoring for the detection of foot lesions in pasture based Irish dairy cows
- Effect of therapeutic exercise on body weight distribution, balance, and stifle function in dogs following stifle injury
- 2023 AAHA Management of Allergic Skin Diseases in Dogs and Cats Guidelines
- BEVA primary care clinical guidelines: Diagnosis and management of equine pituitary pars intermedia dysfunction
- Urine concentrating ability in cats with hyperthyroidism: Influence of radioiodine treatment, masked azotemia, and iatrogenic hypothyroidism
- Determination of a safe sedative combination of dexmedetomidine, ketamine and butorphanol for minor procedures in dogs by use of a stepwise optimization method
- The emergence of Brucella canis as a public health threat in Europe: what we know, and what we need to learn
- 2023 AAFP/IAAHPC feline hospice and palliative care guidelines
- Cooling methods used to manage heat-related illness in dogs presented to primary care veterinary practices during 2016–2018 in the UK
- Long-term follow-up of cats in complete remission after treatment of feline infectious peritonitis with oral GS-441524
- Understanding the barriers to blood pressure assessment in cats
- COAST Development Group’s international consensus guidelines for the treatment of canine osteoarthritis
- Partial weight reduction protocols in cats lead to better weight outcomes, compared with complete protocols, in cats with obesity
- Comparison of clinical cure rates from footrot and contagious ovine digital dermatitis using zinc sulphate foot bathing and topical oxytetracycline: A randomised trial
- Use of human behaviour change models to investigate horse owner intention to adopt emergency colic recommendations
- Evaluation of primary wound healing and potential complications after perioperative infiltration with lidocaine without adrenaline in surgical incisions in dogs and cats
- Epidemiology of mammary tumours in bitches under veterinary care in the UK in 2016
- Equine allergic skin diseases: Clinical consensus guidelines of the World Association for Veterinary Dermatology
- Commonly diagnosed disorders in domestic cats in the UK and their associations with sex and age
- Treatment of equine sarcoids: A systematic review
- Postoperative complications and antibiotic use in dogs with pyometra: a retrospective review of 140 cases (2019)
- “Just old age” – a qualitative investigation of owner and veterinary professional experiences of and attitudes to ageing in dogs in the UK
- Comparison of growth in neutered Domestic Shorthair kittens with growth in sexually-intact cats
- Vasectomy and ovary-sparing spay in dogs: comparison of health and behavior outcomes with gonadectomized and sexually intact dogs
- Comparison of environment quality measurements between 3 types of calf housing in the United Kingdom
- Broadening the veterinary consultation: Dog owners want to talk about more than physical health
- Applying clinical audit for quality improvement in canine dystocia cases seen at a UK primary-care emergency practice
- The impact of vegan diets on indicators of health in dogs and cats: A systematic review
- A randomised controlled trial testing the rebound-preventing benefit of four days of prednisolone during the induction of oclacitinib therapy in dogs with atopic dermatitis
- Happy cats: stress in cats and their carers associated with outpatient visits to the clinic
- Selective treatment of nonsevere clinical mastitis does not adversely affect cure, somatic cell count, milk yield, recurrence, or culling: A systematic review and meta-analysis
- Incidence and type of peripheral intravenous catheter complications documented in hospitalised dogs
- Exploring human behavior change in equine welfare: Insights from a COM-B analysis of the UK’s equine obesity epidemic
- Outcomes of 434 dogs with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug toxicosis treated with fluid therapy, lipid emulsion, or therapeutic plasma exchange
- Use of antimicrobials licensed for systemic administration in UK equine practice
- Bristol Rabbit Pain Scale (BRPS): clinical utility, validity and reliability
- A survey of sheep and/or cattle farmers in the UK shows confusion over the diagnosis and control of rumen fluke and liver fluke
- Prevalence and clinical significance of heart murmurs detected on cardiac auscultation in 856 cats
- Veterinarians’ experiences of treating cases of animal abuse: An online questionnaire study
- ACVIM consensus statement on diagnosis and management of acute canine thoracolumbar intervertebral disc extrusion
- Antimicrobial prescribing and antimicrobial resistance surveillance in equine practice
- 2022 ISFM Consensus Guidelines on Management of the Inappetent Hospitalised Cat
- Defining the Effect of Oxytocin Use in Farrowing Sows on Stillbirth Rate: A Systematic Review with a Meta-Analysis
- Mortality related to general anaesthesia and sedation in dogs under UK primary veterinary care
- To scan or not to scan? The economics of transthoracic ultrasonography for ‘whole-flock’ ovine pulmonary adenocarcinoma screening in UK sheep flocks
- Effects of routine treatment with nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs at calving and when lame on the future probability of lameness and culling in dairy cows: A randomized controlled trial
- ‘We’re gonna end up scared to do anything’: A qualitative exploration of how client complaints are experienced by UK veterinary practitioners
- UK veterinary professionals’ perceptions and experiences of adverse drug reaction reporting
- Expert visual assessment strategies for equine lameness examinations in a straight line and circle: A mixed methods study using eye tracking
- Comparison of diet, lactulose, and metronidazole combinations in the control of pre‐surgical clinical signs in dogs with congenital extrahepatic portosystemic shunts
- Ageing in cats: owner observations and clinical finding in 206 mature cats at enrolment to the Cat Prospective Ageing and Welfare Study
- 2022 AAHA Pain Management Guidelines for Dogs and Cats
- Online survey of owners’ experiences of medicating their cats at home
- Type and impact of clinical incidents identified by a voluntary reporting system covering 130 small animal practices in mainland Europe
- Risk factors for a first episode of primary uveitis in the UK and proportion of cases that experience recurrence following this first episode
- Cattle farmer psychosocial profiles and their association with control strategies for bovine viral diarrhoea
- Antimicrobial resistance in clinical bacterial isolates from horses in the UK.
- Effect of an antimicrobial stewardship intervention on the prescribing behaviours of companion animal veterinarians: A pre–post study
- Uncovering the ‘messy details’ of veterinary communication: An analysis of communication problems in cases of alleged professional negligence
- A scoping review of the current evidence on treatment and outcomes following synovial sepsis
- 2022 ISFM consensus guidelines on the management of acute pain in cats
- Frunevetmab, a felinized anti-nerve growth factor monoclonal antibody, for the treatment of pain from osteoarthritis in cats
- Difficult horses – prevalence, approaches to management of and understanding of how they develop by equine veterinarians
- Evaluation of the use of ketoprofen for the treatment of digital dermatitis in dairy cattle: A randomised, positive controlled, clinical trial
- Efficacy and safety of enflicoxib for treatment of canine osteoarthritis: A 6-week randomised, controlled, blind, multicentre clinical trial
- Results of urinary bacterial cultures and antibiotic susceptibility testing of dogs and cats in the UK
- Equine influenza vaccination in the UK: Current practices may leave horses with suboptimal immunity
- Randomized controlled field trial comparing quarter and cow level selective dry cow treatment using the California Mastitis Test
- Impact of research on contagious ovine digital dermatitis on the knowledge and practices of UK sheep farmers and veterinarians
- Prediction of clinically important acquired cardiac disease without an echocardiogram in large breed dogs using a combination of clinical, radiographic and electrocardiographic variables
- Laboratory safety evaluation of bedinvetmab, a canine anti-nerve growth factor monoclonal antibody, in dogs
- Efficacy and safety of an anti-nerve growth factor antibody (Frunevetmab) for the treatment of degenerative joint disease-associated chronic pain in cats: A multisite pilot field study
- From the other perspective: Behavioural factors associated with UK sheep farmers’ attitudes towards antibiotic use and antibiotic resistance
- 2021 AAFP Feline Senior Care Guidelines
- Evaluation of Pexion® (imepitoin) for treatment of storm anxiety in dogs: A randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial
- Non-neoplastic anal sac disorders in UK dogs: Epidemiology and management aspects of a research-neglected syndrome
- A randomised controlled trial to reduce highest priority critically important antimicrobial prescription in companion animals
- 2021 ISFM Consensus Guidelines on the Collection and Administration of Blood and Blood Products in Cats
- Treatment of the feline atopic syndrome – a systematic review
- Pet owners’ and veterinarians’ perceptions of information exchange and clinical decision-making in companion animal practice
- 2021 AAHA/AAFP Feline Life Stage Guidelines
- ACVIM consensus statement on pancreatitis in cats
- Comparison between a flash glucose monitoring system and a portable blood glucose meter for monitoring dogs with diabetes mellitus
- Staphylococcal bacterial contamination of portable electronic devices in a large veterinary hospital
- Efficacy of telmisartan for the treatment of persistent renal proteinuria in dogs: A double‐masked, randomized clinical trial
- Implementation of a targeted mastitis therapy concept using an on-farm rapid test: antimicrobial consumption, cure rates and compliance
- Exploring horse owners’ understanding of obese body condition and weight management in UK leisure horses
- Feline tuberculosis caused by Mycobacterium bovis infection of domestic UK cats associated with feeding a commercial raw food diet
- Role of the consent form in UK veterinary practice
- The utility of combined urine dipstick analysis and specific gravity measurement to determine feline proteinuria
- Assisting Decision-Making on Age of Neutering for 35 Breeds of Dogs: Associated Joint Disorders, Cancers, and Urinary Incontinence
- Prevalence and characterization of hypoadrenocorticism in dogs with signs of chronic gastrointestinal disease: a multicenter study
- Cats vs. Dogs: The Efficacy of Feliway FriendsTM and AdaptilTM Products in Multispecies Homes
- Efficacy of oral torasemide in dogs with degenerative mitral valve disease and new onset congestive heart failure: The CARPODIEM study
- Dogs don’t die just in hot cars–exertional heat-related illness (heatstroke) is a greater threat to UK dogs
- 2020 AAHA/AAFP Feline Vaccination Guidelines
- Retrospective study of the diagnostic utility of Spec fPL in the assessment of 274 sick cats
- Use of reduced-energy content maintenance diets for modest weight reduction in overweight cats and dogs
- Dog owners’ perspectives on canine dental health-a questionnaire study in Sweden
- Development of a checklist for the detection of degenerative joint disease-associated pain in cats
- ACVIM consensus statement guidelines for the classification, diagnosis, and management of cardiomyopathies in cats
- Importing rescue dogs into the UK: reasons, methods and welfare considerations
- Survival of bovine digital dermatitis treponemes on hoof knife blades and the effects of various disinfectants
- Scrubs contamination, domestic laundry effect and workwear habits of clinical staff at a referral hospital
- Rabbit welfare: determining priority welfare issues for pet rabbits using a modified Delphi method
- Increase in the flock prevalence of lameness in ewes is associated with a reduction in farmers using evidence-based management of prompt treatment: A longitudinal observational study of 154 English sheep flocks 2013–2015
- Horse owners’ knowledge, and opinions on recognising colic in the horse
- Associations between neutering and early‐onset urinary incontinence in UK bitches under primary veterinary care
- Spaying and urinary incontinence in bitches under UK primary veterinary care: a case–control study
- Association of lameness and mastitis with return-to-service oestrus detection in the dairy cow
- Behavioural differences in dogs with atopic dermatitis suggest stress could be a significant problem associated with chronic pruritus
- Age at gonadectomy and risk of overweight/obesity and orthopedic injury in a cohort of Golden Retrievers
- Randomised clinical trial showing the curative effect of bandaging on M2-stage lesions of digital dermatitis in dairy cows
- Caudal cervical vertebral morphological variation is not associated with clinical signs in Warmblood horses
- ACVIM consensus statement on the treatment of immune‐mediated hemolytic anemia in dogs
- ACVIM consensus statement on the diagnosis and treatment of chronic hepatitis in dogs
- Trigeminal-mediated headshaking in horses: prevalence, impact, and management strategies
- Canine dystocia in 50 UK first-opinion emergency care veterinary practices: clinical management and outcomes
- Storage of prescription veterinary medicines on UK dairy farms: a cross-sectional study
- The influence of hay steaming on clinical signs and airway immune response in severe asthmatic horses
- Influence of dietary restriction and low‐intensity exercise on weight loss and insulin sensitivity in obese equids
- Conservative versus surgical treatment of 21 sports horses with osseous trauma in the proximal phalangeal sagittal groove diagnosed by low-field MRI
- Drawing the line in clinical treatment of companion animals: recommendations from an ethics working party
- Fluid calculations: Keeping a balance
- The impact of early life nutrition and housing on growth and reproduction in dairy cattle
- Comparative effectiveness of individualised homeopathy and antibiotics in the treatment of bovine clinical mastitis: randomised controlled trial
- Veterinarian nominated common conditions of rabbits and guinea pigs compared with published literature
- World Small Animal Veterinary Association Global Dental Guidelines
- Three cases of imported eyeworm infection in dogs: a new threat for the United Kingdom
- Antimicrobial drug use in food-producing animals and associated human health risks: what, and how strong, is the evidence?
- Patterns of antimicrobial agent prescription in a sentinel population of canine and feline veterinary practices in the United Kingdom
- Recommendations for approaches to meticillin-resistant staphylococcal infections of small animals: diagnosis, therapeutic considerations and preventative measures. Clinical Consensus Guidelines of the World Association for Veterinary Dermatology
- ISFM consensus guidelines on the diagnosis and management of hypertension in cats
- Dexmedetomidine oromucosal gel for noise-associated acute anxiety and fear in dogs—a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical study
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- Outcomes of 584 cattle caesarean sections performed in a UK first opinion practice
- Impact of storage on sterility of surgical instruments in autoclave bags
- Peripheral warming for prevention of hypothermia in small dogs during soft tissue surgery: A randomized controlled trial
- A prospective study evaluating the adhesive tape impression for the diagnosis of dermatophytosis in dogs and cats
- Comparison of inhaled salbutamol and salmeterol for the treatment of arterial hypoxaemia in anaesthetized horses: a randomized clinical trial
- Incidental osteoarthritis: risk factors, prevalence and clinical evidence in rabbits
- Accuracy of drawing up liquid medications by veterinary anaesthetists and nurses
- A novel tension relief technique to aid the primary closure of traumatic equine wounds under excessive tension
- Comparison of 4 point-of-care techniques to detect correct positioning of nasogastric tubes in dogs (2020–2021)
- Antibiotic therapy in dogs and cats in general practise in the United Kingdom before referral
- A single-cohort retrospective analysis of factors associated with morbidity and mortality in 193 anesthetized domestic goats
- Systematic review of the association between intrasynovial corticosteroid use and laminitis—What is the evidence?
- Comparison of the sedative effects of intranasal or intramuscular dexmedetomidine at low doses in healthy dogs: a randomized clinical trial
- Clinical and clinicopathological characteristics, treatment, and outcome for dogs and cats with confirmed foxtail foreign body lesions: 791 cases (2009–2018)
- Determining an optimum propofol infusion rate for induction of anaesthesia in healthy dogs: a randomized clinical trial
- Outcomes of dogs undergoing surgery for gastric dilatation volvulus after rapid versus prolonged medical stabilization
- Incidence of and risk factors for surgical site infection following canine limb amputation
- Prospective cohort study of the association between early lactation mastitis and the presence of sole ulcers in dairy cows
- Retrospective study of the prevalence of factors contributing to successful standing at first attempt in horses recovering from general anesthesia
- Feline blood pressure measurement: when is it needed?
- Using psychopharmacology in the treatment of problem behaviours in dogs and cats
- A prospective, randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blinded clinical trial comparing the incidence and severity of gastrointestinal adverse events in dogs with cancer treated with piroxicam alone or in combination with omeprazole or famotidine
- Factors that cause bandage complications in equines and how they can be resolved
- Outcomes of nine cats with urinary retention after sacrocaudal luxation managed with long-term urinary diversion
- A prospective, randomized, blinded, placebo-controlled multisite clinical study of bedinvetmab , a canine monoclonal antibody targeting nerve growth factor, in dogs with osteoarthritis
- Evaluation of prescribing practices for gabapentin as an analgesic among veterinary professionals
- A cross-sectional survey of UK veterinary practices to determine prevalence of patient stress-reducing and welfare-enhancing approaches believed to be undertaken in companion animal practice
- Pain in rabbits: a review for veterinary nurses [Part 1-3]
- Melting corneal ulcers (keratomalacia) in dogs: A 5-year clinical and microbiological study (2014–2018)
- Translating research into practice: Adoption of endocrine diagnostic testing in cases of equine laminitis
- Systemic detectability of dexamethasone and prednisolone after eye drop application in horses
- Ocular fundus abnormalities in cats affected by systemic hypertension: Prevalence, characterization, and outcome of treatment
- Renal patients: IRIS scores, nursing care plans and care bundles
- A review of normal radiographical variants commonly mistaken for pathological findings in horses
- Antimicrobial & antiparasitic use and resistance in British sheep and cattle: a systematic review
- Potential role of veterinary flea products in widespread pesticide contamination of English rivers
- Investigation of the Shedding of Selected Respiratory Pathogens in Healthy Horses Presented for Routine Dental Care
- Changing policy to treat foals with Rhodococcus equi pneumonia in the later course of disease decreases antimicrobial usage without increasing mortality rate
- Comparison of two topical treatments of gastro-oesophageal regurgitation in dogs during under general anaesthesia
- BEVA primary care clinical guidelines: Wound management in the horse
- Staff attitudes to and compliance with the use of a surgical safety checklist
- A prospective randomized, double‐blinded clinical study evaluating the efficacy and safety of bupivacaine versus morphine‐bupivacaine in caudal epidurals in cats with urethral obstruction
- Comparison of the colic incidence in a horse population with or without inclusion of germinated barley in the diet
- Diagnosis and treatment of demodicosis in dogs and cats
- Development of a clinical tool to aid endotracheal tube size selection in dogs
- Seasonality and risk factors for myxomatosis in pet rabbits in Great Britain
- Effect of subcutaneous closure technique on incisional complications and postoperative pain in cats undergoing midline celiotomy: A randomized, blinded, controlled trial
- BEVA primary care clinical guidelines: Analgesia
- Fluorescent tagging for environmental surface cleaning surveillance in a veterinary hospital
- Brachycephalic anaesthesia, parts 1, 2 and 3
- Chronic pain in cats: Recent advances in clinical assessment
- Prevalence of and risk factors for acute laminitis in horses treated with corticosteroids
- Do UK sheep farmers use orf vaccine correctly and could their vaccination strategy affect vaccine efficacy?
- Equine cheek tooth extraction: comparison of outcomes for five extraction methods
- Pregabalin for the treatment of syringomyelia-associated neuropathic pain in dogs: A randomised, placebo-controlled, double-masked clinical trial
- Exploring early life events including diet in cats presenting for gastrointestinal signs in later life
- Managing pain in common end-of-life conditions
- Misoprostol is superior to combined omeprazole‐sucralfate for the treatment of equine gastric glandular disease
- International Society for Companion Animal Infectious Diseases (ISCAID) guidelines for the diagnosis and management of bacterial urinary tract infections in dogs and cats
- A comparison of the rates of postoperative complications between dogs undergoing laparoscopic and open ovariectomy
- Field testing two animal-specific non-contact thermometers on healthy horses
- A double‐blinded, randomized, methylprednisolone‐controlled study on the efficacy of oclacitinib in the management of pruritus in cats with nonflea nonfood‐induced hypersensitivity dermatitis
- Early warning scores in the NHS: could they support early detection of deteriorating veterinary patients?
- Home monitoring of heart rate and heart rhythm with a smartphone-based ECG in dogs
- Prospective randomised blinded clinical trial assessing effectiveness of three dental plaque control methods in dogs
- Introducing the Ward Phlebitis Scoring Chart 2018: A reflective and personal practical review and approach
- Associations of body condition score with health conditions related to overweight and obesity in cats
- ‘Care about my animal, know your stuff and take me seriously’: United Kingdom and Australian clients’ views on the capabilities most important in their veterinarians
- The clinical efficacy of EMLA cream for intravenous catheter placement in client-owned dogs
- Using checklists in veterinary nursing: what can human healthcare teach us?
- A practical approach to dealing with contagious ovine digital dermatitis (CODD) on farms
- Associations between dairy cow inter-service interval and probability of conception
- Assessment of quality of life and chronic pain in dogs
- AAFP feline anesthesia guideline
- Hospital-acquired infections in the veterinary establishment
- Recurrent seizures in cats: Treatment – which antiepileptic drugs are recommended?
- Evaluating the effect of metronidazole plus amoxicillin-clavulanate versus amoxicillin-clavulanate alone in canine haemorrhagic diarrhoea: a randomised controlled trial in primary care practice
- Minimising complications in soft tissue surgery — recent advances
- How ECG monitoring contributes to patient care
- Clinical and intestinal histologic features of horses treated for recurrent colic: 66 cases (2006–2015)
- Lack of efficacy of monepantel against trichostrongyle nematodes in a UK sheep flock
- Performance evaluation and validation of the animal trauma triage score and modified Glasgow Coma Scale with suggested category adjustment in dogs: A VetCOT registry study
- Ceasing the use of the highest priority critically important antimicrobials does not adversely affect production, health or welfare parameters on dairy cows
- Use of a saliva-based diagnostic test to identify tapeworm infection in horses in the UK
- Haemoplasmosis in cats: European guidelines from the ABCD on prevention and management
- Lipid emulsion in the management of poisoning
- Rapid assessment with physical examination in dyspnoeic cats: the RAPID CAT study
- Long-lived immunity to canine core vaccine antigens in UK dogs as assessed by an in-practice test kit
- Pain scoring systems for cats
- Computed tomographic contrast tenography of the digital flexor tendon sheath of the equine hindlimb
- Incidence and risk factors of surgical site infection and septic arthritis after elective arthroscopy in horses
- Risk of iatrogenic damage to the sciatic nerve in dairy cattle
- Nonstrangulating intestinal infarctions associated with Strongylus vulgaris: Clinical presentation and treatment outcomes of 30 horses (2008–2016)
- Introduction of a sepsis bundle in the ICU and ER: a case-based discussion
- Evaluation of the use of midazolam as a co-induction agent with ketamine for anaesthesia in sedated ponies undergoing field castration
- Caregiver burden in owners of a sick companion animal: a cross-sectional observational study
- Clinician attitudes to pain and use of analgesia in cattle: where are we 10 years on?
- Field study on the safety and efficacy of intradermal versus intramuscular vaccination against Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae
- Randomised positive control trial of NSAID and antimicrobial treatment for calf fever caused by pneumonia
- Dental anaesthesia and analgesia of the dog and cat
- Pre-pubertal feline neutering: the role of the veterinary nurse in owner education
- When is it safe to report abuse?
- Definitive Glasgow acute pain scale for cats: validation and intervention level
- Safety culture: the Nottingham Veterinary Safety Culture Survey (NVSCS)
- Principles of triage and first aid in wildlife casualties
- Canine dystocia in 50 UK first-opinion emergency-care veterinary practices: prevalence and risk factors
- How to place commonly used feeding tubes in dogs and cats
- Review of hazards to female reproductive health in veterinary practice
- How to manage wounds with excessive exudate
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